-Yes, but we can't...-

-Why not, it's the only thing we can do now- interjected Babe.

-It's too dangerous, Babe- Charlie scolded him.

-I'll be careful-

-I'll go with you- added North.

-Me too- replied Sonic.

-Okay, then North and Sonic and I will go to that crazy man's house and at least try to talk some sense into his family, who knows, maybe they're not all out of their minds in there-

-What about us?- asked Jeff.

-Stay here and see if you think of anything or if Jesse gets in touch. Either way, if we don't call you in a couple of hours, that means we're in trouble too, and that's when you'll have to call the police...-


Jeff and Charlie were left alone, sitting in the living room.

-It's all my fault...- Jeff began to sigh.

-What?! It's not!-

-Alan is in danger because of me...if I had never dated Jesse...if I had never come into Alan's life, he would be fine now...

-Stop it, he's not. I've never seen Alan happier than when he's with you. At most, I'm the one to take the blame...if I hadn't called you, maybe together you could have gotten away with this...-

-I don't think...I can't let them hurt him...-

-We will find him...Jeff?-

Jeff looked straight ahead without saying anything.

-Jeff? Jeff, are you okay?-Charlie began to shake him to no avail.

It had gotten dark again, but from a distance he could hear voices. He tried to get closer but the end of that tunnel never seemed to end. Then he heard his voice...it was Alan.

-Wait...what the heck do you want...I'll be able to get out and...-

The voice was covered by a deafening rumble.

-Jeff? Jeff?-Charlie kept shaking him.



-Alan...I heard him...I think...maybe it was one of my visions...his voice...he's still alive, he's fine!- Jeff jumped to his feet in a rush.

-Hey!!! Open up!!!-North had started yelling outside the gate of Jesse's parents' house.

-Who the hell are you? Do you have any idea what time it is?-one of the security staff stepped forward.

-And do you realize how much trouble you are getting into?-

-Are you threatening me? Get lost-

-No, stop!- Babe intervened -we need to talk to Jesse's parents-.

-At this time?-

-It's important...it's about their crazy son-

The man had worked for that family for years now and knew about the relationship between Jesse and his parents. At that time they had asked him to warn them immediately about anything that happened that might ruin the family's image, and those kids seemed serious. He called a colleague on his cell phone and ordered him to alert the hosts, then, he let the three boys in and escorted them into the living room, never letting them out of his sight.

A few minutes passed when what must have been Jesse's parents arrived. They had just been awakened and looked furious.

-Who are these people?-

-They said it's about your son...-

-Jesse!? What did he do this time?-

-Can I hit them, too?- North whispered in Sonic's ear, receiving only a small punch in the stomach in return.

It was Babe who spoke.

-One of our friends was a victim of your son's actions. I won't go into details because I think you already know it well-

-So you are the ones who are trying to ruin our family, eh?-the father shouted.

-How dare you blame us! Do you know about how Jesse ruined the lives of dozens of people? Do you still defend him? You have no idea how much I want to punch you all in the face, but that's not why I'm here. Jesse had one of our friends kidnapped to get revenge or I don't know what else and...-

-How dare you come into my house and accuse us of things like that?!-

-Yeah? Is Jesse here by any chance? I don't see him-

-He went out a few hours ago- a guard interjected shyly, receiving a warning look from the lady.

-Now we are behaving properly but if Jesse even scratches our friend because you decided not to help us, I can assure you that I will spend the rest of my life ruining your family and the next time I come I will not use the manners I have now-

The two parents were speechless. They certainly had not expected to be attacked like this in the middle of the night. Security immediately intervened, ready to throw them out.

-Stop!-the lady interrupted them.

-What do you want to do?-her husband asked her.

-I've had enough. If all this is true, it's the end for us. I'm not going to let Jesse ruin what's left of our lives-.

The husband nodded. They had no other choice, and then protecting Jesse would have meant all of them going to jail or worse. They had already discussed it and they were not going to lose everything they had built for an insolent son. After everything he had already done, now he was kidnapping people too?

-Tell us how we can help you- finally sighed the woman.

-He must have taken him somewhere. Do you know where he might be?-

-We have some unused property, maybe he is there...-

After giving Babe the addresses of the various premises, the woman added:

-Whatever happens, I want to make it known that we helped you stop our son. We don't want to have any problems-

The three did not respond, turned and walked away hearing only the woman ordering the head of security to call the lawyers.

-This is absurd...first they protect their son, then to save their face, they sell him out like this...-

-Better for us...I think the only thing they care about is getting this over with and getting out of this as unscathed as possible-

-Let's get moving, call Charlie-


-Charlie, we have possible locations where Jesse may have taken Alan-

-Perfect, then let's go-

-There are about ten places...Some outside the city, one near the industrial area, one nearby the airport...-

-Wait...- Jeff snatched the phone from Charlie's hands -There's a place near an airport, you said?-

-....yes, why?

-I think it's there, send me the address-.

-How do you know?-

-Just do it! I'll meet you there- Jeff hung up the phone in his face.

-Airport? - Charlie looked at him doubtfully.

-In my vision at one point there was a deafening noise, and now that I think about it, it might really have been that of an airplane. It's just a guess, but it's better than going through the motions and checking them all-

Jeff grabbed his car keys and jacket.

-Let's go! We are closer, the others will catch up-

-Okay, but I'm driving this time- Charlie replied.

OLD SCARS AlanJeff (Omegaverse) | PITBABEWhere stories live. Discover now