36. RUN

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It was almost midnight and Jeff was still driving the car stuck in traffic.

"Come on!!! Is it possible that at this hour there are all these people?" He started honking the horn joining all the other drivers. He reached for his cell phone but had no notification. Charlie had not texted him since sending him the location. He tried calling him.


Nothing, his brother was not answering ... perfect, couldn't have been better. He was stuck in the middle of the night on the street, and as soon as he got there he would also have to waste time looking for Charlie. Jeff sighed and turned up the volume of the music. There was no use getting angry. At least, he had an excuse to sleep all the next day...

Alan turned off the television and looked at his watch. Jeff had been out for two hours now, was he okay? He picked up his cell phone and called him.

-Hi Alan-

-Hey, where are you? Are you okay? It's late-

-Yeah, don't worry about it. There's a bit of traffic, I think there's been an accident. Anyway, I should get to the club soon. You don't wait for me, go to sleep-

-Okay, be careful-

-I'm going now, the traffic is thinning, see you later-

Alan stopped and stared at the black screen of his newly turned off cell phone, thinking back to what Jeff had told him that afternoon about his vision.


He turned his head sharply. It had not been a loud noise, but he had heard it. He walked over to the window to see what it had been. It was dark outside, hardly visible. There was wind, though; a storm was probably coming.
"It must have just been the wind, maybe it knocked something over." Alan checked that all the doors were closed and only then did he calm down, deciding to go upstairs to sleep.

Jeff arrived at the club Charlie had indicated. It was a huge place full of people, and he struggled to find a parking space nearby, so he resigned himself to leaving his car almost half a kilometer from the facility. Getting out of the car, he walked quickly, beginning to wonder how he was going to find his brother and especially how to drag him to the car. A drop fell on his forehead. Jeff looked up at the black sky above him.

"Just now?! It can't be. Come on!"-just as he had started cursing, the rain became more insistent. Jeff began to run to get there as dry as possible, not noticing the black car that had just parked beside him and the men following him with their eyes in the distance.

The music was deafening and because of the rain, even the people standing outside had sought shelter inside leaving very little room to move.





Nothing, Charlie wasn't answering texts or calls. Jeff put the phone in his pocket and began to make his way through the crowd. It was going to be a night to forget, and to think that at that moment he could be in bed sleeping ...

"Hi, do you want to dance?"

"I am talking to you...hey."

"What?"- Jeff turned around annoyed, realizing that the man was addressing him.

"I'll buy you a drink and then we can dance..."-the man approached blatantly drunk.

"No thanks, I'm leaving now, I'm here to pick up a friend"-Jeff cut off the conversation and left without looking back.

OLD SCARS AlanJeff (Omegaverse) | PITBABEWhere stories live. Discover now