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They had just pulled up in front of Alan's house.

-You live too far away, Jeff. Is it okay if we stay at my house?-

-I want the suppressors...please- pleaded with him.

-I can't. And they would have no effect by now- he gets out of the car and opens Jeff's door. He unbuckles his belt and picks him up. The omega rests his head in the hollow of the alpha's neck; he liked his smell.

"Calm down, Jeff. It's Alan, you can't think about these things"-he tried to stay conscious.

-Let's go I'll take you to your room and call Charlie. Maybe he knows how to help you, all right?-

Jeff does not respond, still shivering in Alan's arms.

The alpha manages to reach the bedroom and gently lays him on the bed, where Jeff folds in on himself clutching his stomach and continuing to moan.

-It hurts...please help me- he pleaded with him.

-Jeff, it will be all right, I promise...-he strokes his forehead. He left the room and went to the bathroom where he kept his suppressors. He didn't use them often. But he had been taught to always have them handy in case he encountered an omega in heat. He didn't want to lose control, especially with Jeff.

Back in the room, the omega was in tears and the pheromones he was emitting, were very strong.
-It is too hot...- he began to undress. By now he had almost totally lost his mind.
-Jeff, take it easy- Alan approached.
-Please help me...- he cried.

At that moment Alan realized that perhaps being so close to him was not the ideal thing to do. The omega was tearfully begging him to accommodate and relieve him.

-That's not what you want, Jeff. I could never do that-
-I'll call Charlie- he pulls away.
-I hate you! I hate you- Jeff bursts into tears, curling up on the bed.


"What is it, Alan?"

"I need help, it's about Jeff."

"What happened to Jeff?!"-he replies worriedly at the phone.

"We were together and he got into heat. I took him to my house, but I don't know what to do. Can you come?"

"I'll be right there."

Half an hour later Charlie was at the door with a duffel bag.
-I brought some medicine and changes of clothes for Jeff. I'll stay here if you want, I'll give you the keys and you can go to my apartment for these days-
-Don't worry, I took suppressants. His scent doesn't affect me-
-Ok...Where is he?-
-That way, in the room-

Charlie makes his way and enters the room.
-Jeff, it's Charlie-
-Get out...-
-Jeff, don't worry everything will be fine-
-It's not going to be okay!- he shouts.
The omega was shivering in the corner of the bed hugging a pillow. He was crying. By now he had taken off all his clothes and was gasping for air.
-Please get out...-
Charlie did not want to insist, closed the door behind him and went back to the kitchen to Alan.

-So how is he? - he stands up worriedly.
-Like an omega in heat. He doesn't want to see anyone. Anyway, it's strange it's been a long time since he's had a problem with the heat; he should have known this was the heat period, I don't understand-

Alan said nothing. He would have liked to tell Charlie the truth, Jeff's situation, but that would not have been fair.
-I'll stay here if you want- Charlie offered.
-Don't worry, I think I can handle it-
-I got the suppressors, I won't lose control, if that's what you're worried about- reassures him.
-Ok, but only because I trust you. When he has lucid moments, make sure he eats something and rests. Call me when he's better-
-Ok, thank you-

OLD SCARS AlanJeff (Omegaverse) | PITBABEWhere stories live. Discover now