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Hi everyone, sorry for the long wait but I've been pretty busy with classes and I admit I couldn't think of much to write these days.

This is today's chapter, I hope you like it :)

I have some ideas for the continuation of the story but they are still very fuzzy ideas, so I am asking you if you would like something in particular to happen or if you have any scenes in particular that you would like to see...if you have any suggestions please write them in the comments, I hope I can add them into the story.

Thank you so much for your help and especially for your patience these days ;)


-Jeff, Alan! Finally, come and see!-Sonic greeted the two who had just entered by shouting and yanked them by the arm to drag them by weight in front of the garage television.

-Hey, hey, take it easy, what's going on?- Alan asked him.

They were all sitting on the sofas watching the screen. As soon as Jeff and Alan joined them, Charlie grabbed the remote control and turned up the volume.

In the foreground was what Jeff recognized to be Jesse's family home, or more like a mansion than a house. Although the apartment Jesse lived in was large, it was nothing compared to that. It was at least two stories with a huge garden surrounding it and a huge pool that the terrace overlooked. Much of the walls were replaced by sheets of glass that gave the structure a much more elegant and modern air. Three cars, the newest on the market, were parked in front of the entrance. A gate separated it from the street. On the news they were talking about a huge scandal that had hit the family, and as everyone expected, it was about the videos Jesse had filmed. The floor was passed to his mother, a prominent judge who discovered the truth about her son had seen her career pass her by:

-About the videos you are talking about, we have already discussed them with our legal team, and I can state that in none of them is there any certainty that the person in question is my son-.

-Many complaints have been made...-the reporter interrupted her.

-I'm aware of that...it's probably a bad joke...but we'll do everything we can to figure out what really happened...but until then my son will plead innocent...- having said that, the security had the reporters removed and the family returned to the house. Jesse had been filmed as well, next to his mother, pale and silent, he had not opened his mouth.

-How can she be on her son's side?!!-cursed North -Innocent?!!-

-Calm down North, what we had to do we have done, now we can only wait-.

The footage then framed dozens of people outside the gates of the property. They held placards and chanted offensive chants as security tried to disperse them.

-Well serves them right. I hope they have a hard time...-

-From what I hear, it's been a while since Jesse has been around, even at the clubs he used to go to...I was told he's relegated to the house and won't even leave it to go back to his apartment- said Jeff.

-No wonder...they would punch him if they found him on the street- replied Charlie.

-Well, then point in our favor, we won. I hope the police do something, but if not, this isn't bad either- said Sonic.

-Come on now, let's get back to work, we have a race coming up- Alan changed the subject by turning off the TV and making everyone return to their positions.

-It went well, did you see?- he turned to Jeff.

-Yeah- he smiled back at him.


-Do you realize what you have done? What situation have you put our family in?!!-a woman in her forties was screaming in Jesse's face who could barely keep her gaze.


-Don't say a word! You've always been a good-for-nothing. one thing your father and I have asked of you...don't bring our family name into disrepute! We've always managed to clean up your messes, but now?! Do you realize how big a mess you've made? It's all anyone is talking about out there! Your father's company lost investors and I lost very important clients!-

-I know, I'm sorry...it's his fault...I don't...-

-His fault?! If you didn't want this thing to come out, then you shouldn't have let it come out! You are an idiot!-the woman was enraged, completely red in the face. The two security men did not dare to approach her. They knew that in those situations it was better to stay out of it. In that house it was normal to see such quarrels, but this time was different...it would not end well.

-What should we do?- Jesse finally asked.

-WE?- a man interjected. It was his father -WE don't have to do anything at all, YOU at most will have to do something.-

-What do you mean? -The father's calm tone had startled him.

-We are tired of defending you all the time. This time the matter is too big, we risk losing everything. You will take responsibility for what you did-

-I would be arrested!-

-We'll take care of the police, you won't end up in jail. But to maintain our image, you will be the one who will have to apologize in front of everyone for what you did, and you will be the one who will take the hatred of the people out there. In a few days you will leave this house and we will make you leave to go abroad. Your mother and I will declare that we have no knowledge of what you did to those people-

-I can't leave!-

-You will. You have already created enough damage to our family. You wouldn't have a future here anyway, and then by doing so at least we can hope to save what we have left-

-But... -he retorted again.

-Shut up and do what we told you. After all these years you are still ungrateful! Get lost- his mother told him in a cold tone.

Jesse got up and headed for his room.

It was all Jeff's fault...that useless omega...how had he dared...how could he...he should have gotten rid of it long before, he knew it....

In a rage, Jesse threw everything on the desk on the floor screaming. He grabbed his cell phone and searched through the saved numbers. Most were people who had not been heard from since the release of those videos for fear of getting into trouble. He had been receiving anonymous calls and messages wishing him dead for a few days now...Jesse was sure that at least half of those were from people he knew.


-It's Jesse, don't hang up- he hurried to say.

-I shouldn't talk to you...it's better if...-

-Shut up, you were with me when I did those things, too, and it seems to me that you had a good time, didn't you?-


-If you don't do what I tell you, I assure you that even your name will end up in the newspapers-

-What do you want?-

-You've got to find me some people...they've got to be reliable...tell them I'll pay them, I've got a job for them to do-

-What do you want to do, Jesse?-

-Make him pay...-

"I'll make Jeff pay for it...he'll regret doing this to me..."

OLD SCARS AlanJeff (Omegaverse) | PITBABEWhere stories live. Discover now