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Beep, beep, beep...

Aaaaaah.....he had forgotten to turn off his alarm clock the night before, and now found himself awake at 7 a.m. again in his thoughts. What should he do? Alan's words had stuck with him and he had not been able to sleep at all that night. He didn't have to go to work today, and he didn't even have classes. He goes into the bathroom, picks up a pair of suppressors, looks at them for a few seconds....

"What's the matter with you, Jeff? Just take them. Like every morning"-he repeated to himself. But it wasn't like every morning. He puts them back in their proper place and goes to make himself breakfast.

He turns on his cell phone, just a message from Charlie to see how the night before had gone. At least Alan had not told him that he had ended up in the hospital. If Charlie had found out, everything would have been even more difficult.

The phone vibrates...a message.

"Look out the door"-it was Alan.

Jeff does as it said and finds hanging on the doorknob a bag. He carries it into the kitchen--a waffle still warm and a jar of Nutella.

"How did you know I was awake?"-he writes in response.

"Well, I just hoped. I'm glad you found breakfast hot. It's not from yesterday's place, it's still closed. But I thought you might like it."

"Thank you..."

"About yesterday, have you made a decision yet?"

Jeff reads that sentence several times...had he? Not really. He decides not to answer and eat. The taste of the waffle makes him remember every event of the day before and makes him even more anxious.

"Stupid Alan. You did that on purpose"-he thinks to himself.

He finishes eating and tries to distract himself by staying as far away from his cell phone as possible. Trying to study but unable to concentrate, he opts for a hot shower but this plunges him deeper and deeper into his doubts. He then decides to watch some television. As if in jest, a program about the risks to omegas of using unauthorized suppressors appears on the news. He changes the channel and chooses a cop show from at least ten years earlier. The graphics are terrible and he can't follow the plot but at least he loses track of time for a while.

It's lunchtime but as usual the fridge is empty, he always forgets to do his shopping. He grabs a jacket and goes out, taking a walk will do him good. He is walking down the main street without paying too much attention to where he is going, by now he knows the street by heart. He enters a small diner, but as soon as he sets foot on the threshold he feels all eyes on him. Most of the customers are alphas, and he had gone out without taking suppressors. These were things that omegas were used to, but he had not received this treatment in over a year. He took a small single table in a secluded corner. A woman in her 30s, also an omega, approaches to take the order.

-Hello, are you waiting for someone or would you like to order?
-I would like to order, please-
-I'd just take a bowl of noodles and some water, please-
-Ok, it will be right away-

Ten minutes later the usual lady returns with his food, but Jeff is again lost in thought, looking out the window at passersby.

-You look thoughtful-
-What? - he comes to his senses.
-Are you thinking about something in particular, or someone?- the woman emphasizes the last word with her voice.
-I know that look, it's about a person, isn't it?-
-Can I help you?- she says sitting in an empty chair- Between omegas we understand each other, you are free to talk-

Jeff didn't know why, but the woman made him want to tell everything. He was tired of keeping things to himself and at this rate he wasn't going to come to a solution, he wanted another opinion.

OLD SCARS AlanJeff (Omegaverse) | PITBABETahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon