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-Hey Charlie, can you tell me where you are? I've been here for five minutes-
-Yes, I'm coming Jeff. Wait for me in front of the ice cream shop, I'm on my way-
-I'm here, where are you? I don't see you-
-Sorry Jeff-
-Charlie....Charlie, hello.... can you hear me?...Charlie....- put down his cell phone, looked at the entrance and realized what was going on. Alan was waiting for him in front of the ice cream shop smiling. Jeff, on the other hand turns and starts walking in the opposite direction.
-Wait, Jeff- Alan yells and runs after him stopping in front of it.
-What are you and my brother up to?
-Well...I just wanted to talk to you after what happened this morning-.
-I don't want to talk-
-Then let me do the talking, please, I want to apologize. Charlie told me you like to come to this place at night, I can offer you something. Think of it as an apology for my insistence today-.

Jeff can't help but accept, and besides, he was really in the mood for dessert tonight. The two sit at a small table on the sidelines, next to a vase of cyclamen.
-How come you like this place so much, Jeff?
-Because it's quiet, they make great waffles, and the plants are pretty-
-Do you like the plants?
-No. I simply like that there are dividers between tables and then they decorate the room. There is also a garden in the back, but it is only open during the day-
-How come you don't like to be around people?-
-Okay, sorry. You can tell me later if you want. I wanted to apologize for this morning, you're right, I don't want to intrude on your life. I was just worried about the scratches on your arm. I wouldn't want...that is...if they were due to...If you want to talk, I'm here, you know-.

This had managed to wring a slight smile from Jeff, who immediately turns away to hide it.
-You're cute when you smile, you should do it more...-he says in a low voice.
-No, nothing. I said it's a nice place-

Shortly after, Alan's milkshake and Jeff's Waffle arrive.
-You're right, it's good here-
-Well, you didn't get the waffles, they're the best thing-
-I'll try them next time-
-Are you going to come back?-
-Only if you come as well-
-Here, taste it- Jeff says rolling his eyes and handing a piece of Nutella waffle to Alan.
-Ehm...sure- he accepts it impishly. -You're right it's delicious-
-It is more so if you put cream in it....a tip for next time- he lowers his gaze, stangely interested in the plate in front of him. This causes Alan to smile slightly.

-So...you really don't want to tell me who that was this morning? You seemed uncomfortable-
-You're not going to stop asking me until you get an answer, are you?
-You're smart, kid- he tells him, resting a hand on his head and tousling his hair.
-Ok, Okay, let me- he shakes him off- His name is Jesse, I met him about a year ago. We were...friends-
-Just friends? I recognize that tone of voice-
-Ok, maybe a little more than friends, but I don't want to talk about it- he hastens to add agitatedly.
-Ok, that's all I'm going to ask you. What about those scratches?-
-Here...I...don't...-he was no longer looking at Alan in front of him but at the ground, he had never been more ashamed before. He could not tell him the truth, what would he think of him? And especially why did he care so much about his opinion now?
-If that's what I think, promise me you'll never do it again. Call me next time- he lifts Jeff's face with one hand under his chin to finally meet his eyes.
Alan is smiling and Jeff doesn't know how to feel: relieved, sad, scared, happy?

It seemed like a quiet, perfect evening, but everything has an end....

....a huge bang makes everyone jump to their feet. It came from outside the club and not too far away.

-What was that?" asks Jeff startled.
-I don't know- Alan approaches him, as if to protect him.
In an instant, all the lights went out, both in the club and all over the street. The first screams begin to rise. Another bang more is heard, followed by more bangs. People panic, chairs and tables tip over as customers try to make their way to the exit with only the flashlights of their cell phones. 

-Jeff, we need to go-
-Jeff, are you all right?
Hands grabbed onto Alan's arm and began to squeeze hard.
-Please don't hurt me...-
-What are you saying?
-Please, I'll be good, I promise...-His words are interrupted by sobs.-
-Jeff, listen to me. It's okay, take it easy. I'm right here. Nothing will happen to you- Alan tries to reassure him. He pulls Jeff to himself and holds him in a hug.
-Don't hurt me, no, no...- Jeff starts talking to himself as if he is not really there with Alan.
-Come, let's sit down and wait for the lights to come back on, okay?-he takes Jeff with him to the floor and wraps an arm around his neck making him rest his head on his shoulder. Jeff is still holding on to Alan's shirt and doesn't seem to want to pull away from it. He moves closer and closer to Alan, almost in a desperate embrace.
-I'll be good, whatever you want, but don't use it again, it hurts so much....-.
- No one will hurt you- Alan gives him a light kiss on the head in an attempt to calm him down.

After what seems like an eternity, the backup generator turns  on and the owner returns trying to calm the remaining attendees:
-There was a bad accident between several cars nearby and they hit an electric meter. That's why the power went out. They are taking the various injured people to the hospital, but now it seems to have calmed down out there-
People are starting to get up and go outside to see the scene for themselves.

-No, no, no....- Jeff keeps crying.
-Jeff, it's over. See, the light is back, look at me- he keeps his eyes wide, tears cover his whole face, he doesn't want to let go of Alan, who with difficulty places a hand on his forehead.
-You are hot, you have a fever-.
Jeff's sobs seem to subside and he almost stops shaking, but his eyes are still closed and he is completely leaning on Alan.
-Jeff....- tries to shake him but he doesn't seem to respond. He is unconscious.
-Jeff...Jeff...wake up...Jeff-.

-Sir, what's going on?" the owner approaches.

Alan does not answer her, picks up Jeff in his arms and rushes him out of the cafè. He manages to reach the car in the parking lot not too far away, loads him into the passenger seat, and tries to make his way through the crowd still watching the incident.

-Take it easy Jeff...it will be okay...I promise-.


I've been working on this a little bit, I hope you enjoyed it. In the next chapter we'll find out a little more about what caused Jeff's reaction and most importantly we'll get some details about his past....but that's all I'm telling you. ;)

The next chapter will contain some explicit scenes of violence, if you are too sensitive I suggest you skip it. Otherwise, enjoy your reading :)

OLD SCARS AlanJeff (Omegaverse) | PITBABEDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora