15. TIRED +18

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Hello everyone. I hope you will enjoy this chapter. It won't end very well.....

There will be quite strong content present that might shock certain people.
(Presence of SH)

Happy reading and see you in the next chapter :)

Let me know what you think.


As soon as he was free of Jesse, Jeff ran and did not look back.

He had failed. He had been a fool to think he could get out of it like that. He could have simply stolen the phone and run away. Why hadn't he done that? Fear, perhaps?

A myriad of thoughts ran through his mind as he ran not even he knew where. He didn't know where he was going, the footsteps on the concrete rumbled in his ears, and he hoped Jesse wasn't chasing him. He was tired but it was as if he did not feel the fatigue. His legs were going forward without the slightest control. He was afraid. He couldn't quite see where he was going, his eyes glazed over and the first tears streamed down his cheeks.

He returned to the light of the restaurant and got into a cab across the street.

-Go, quick!- he said as soon as he closed the door behind him. His heart pounding.

The driver asked no questions; he set off. Jeff gave him the address of his apartment. It was an hour away; it would probably cost him quite a bit for that trip. 
He had not seen Jesse through the window; he must have given up.

Jeff leaned his head against the seat in front of him, a couple of tears streaked down his face. He wiped them away; he didn't want the driver to get suspicious or try to talk to him.
He threw himself into the seat and just stared out the window at the road before his eyes. He had an hour, only an hour before he could lock himself in his apartment, before he was safe.

About twenty minutes later a call came in. It was Charlie. Jeff just stared at the screen without answering, until the call went to the voicemail. A few seconds later, again another call. It went the same way as the previous one.
What did Charlie want? It was late in the evening. Charlie had to imagine that he was asleep, so why keep calling? Jeff did not want to answer for fear that his brother would realize he was not at his apartment.
After the calls, followed dozens of messages:

"How are you?"

"What happened?!"

"Tell me where you are."

"Jeff are you okay?"

Why all those messages? What did his brother know?

Jeff began to worry, turned on his phone and scrolled through the messages.


Dozens of messages from Alan, Babe, North and the few from his university to whom he had given his phone number.

"Look at this!"-one of his classmates had written to him, attaching a link to the message.

He was afraid. Deep down he knew what that thing could be. He clicked on the link that opened an Instagram page for him. He didn't use social media much; he only had the downloaded apps and a profile he never updated.


The link led to the video Jeff  feared so muh. Jeff just stared at it with his eyes wide. He had forgotten where he was and felt paralyzed. His mind focused only on the video in front of him. He could think of nothing else. He could not reason. He could not put linear thoughts together. He was simply as still as a statue observing. If he had stopped crying before, now he had started again. His eyes burned but he could not close them. His vision began to blur, the tears preventing him from focusing on the images. His hands were shaking, he struggled to hold the cell phone. He could not breathe, as if a huge weight had fallen on his chest.

OLD SCARS AlanJeff (Omegaverse) | PITBABEWhere stories live. Discover now