31. TRUTH (PT. 1)

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-Alan, can we talk?- Jeff immediately lowered his gaze, and Alan knew immediately that it must be important.

-What do you want to talk about?-

-Well...last time...I...told you there was something I still needed to tell you...-

-I remember...-

-That's it...-

How was he supposed to tell him? He didn't know what words to use, as if his brain had stopped working.

-You can tell me if you want...don't worry...-Alan encouraged him.

-Promise you won't get mad? Or that you won't hate me for not telling you before? Or that you will always see me the same way? Or that....-

-I promise. I promise you all these things and even the things you didn't say. I just want to know the truth about everything...-Alan interrupted him by taking Jeff's hands in his.



Jeff opened his eyes. He still saw everything blurry, he couldn't move, he didn't have the strength. He heard no noise...he was alone. His face on the pillow, lying on his stomach with only a sheet to cover him. After a few moments he returned to seeing lucidly around him. He tried to get up by pulling himself up with his arms but it was as if every part of his body was telling him to go back and lie down, to get some more sleep. He sat up and leaned his back against the headboard. There was a lot of light coming in through the window...the alarm clock on the nightstand indicated two o'clock in the afternoon. He stopped for a moment to look at the ceiling; he could think of nothing at that moment. Empty. There was nothing in his mind, and he felt nothing. The room was a mess, dirty clothes and sheets thrown on the floor. He tried to stand up but as soon as he took a step the pain went through his whole body like a jolt. He staggered a little but managed to hold on to the nightstand beside the bed. His clothes were thrown into a corner of the bedroom. He took them...they were not too messy...at least he had something to put on to get out. He shakily crossed the hallway and entered the bathroom, closing the door behind him. Jesse certainly wouldn't mind if he used the bathroom to take a shower. He turned on the water and waited for it to get hot, then entered it and sat on the floor hugging his knees to his chest. The shower was filling with steam and the boiling water was reddening all over his skin, but Jeff didn't pay too much attention to it.....it didn't hurt....or better...he had decided to ignore it. Without even realizing it, he began to cry. He must have been used to it by now. It was what he should have expected from Jesse...he was always like that...he didn't deserve any better.

When he had had enough, he got out of the shower, dried himself quickly, and got dressed. Back in the bedroom, he picked up his cell phone....many messages from Charlie.

"Hi, Jeff. I know you're going into heat soon, tell me if you need anything."

"How are you? Are you okay?"

"Do you want me to come over?"

Jeff typed a few words to reassure his brother even though Charlie knew that once the heat started he would not be able to respond to messages.

"It's okay, don't worry. I'm home."

"I'll get you something to eat, I'm nearby"-Charlie's response was not long in coming.

"Don't worry, I actually just left. Maybe I'll see you tonight if you want."

Jeff turned off his cell phone and put it in his pocket, then went back to looking at the room around him. Could he keep lying to Charlie? What if he had asked him for help? What if he had told him about Jesse? No, he couldn't. He couldn't disappoint him, couldn't see the disapproving look on his face. He didn't want to. He gathered his things and left the apartment.

He had spent the heat with Jesse. He didn't want to do it, but it came to him while he was with him, and except for a few scenes he didn't remember much of what had happened. He decided not to think about it. As soon as he returned to his apartment building, he threw his keys on the kitchen table and threw himself on the bed. His stomach growled with hunger, but at that moment the only thing he wanted to do was sleep. Jesse would most likely not contact him for a few days; it always turned out that way. But in spite of everything, Jeff kept deluding himself that this was the time Jesse would really love him, and like all the other times, he was wrong.


-The food here is great, isn't it, Jeff?

Charlie had taken him to a new place. The food looked tempting, but for some strange reason, Jeff was not hungry. In fact, he had not been well for a few days, but he did not want to worry his brother and that was why he had agreed to go out that evening. He made an effort to eat something but after a while the nausea became unbearable.

-I'm going to the bathroom for a moment, I'll be right back-

-Okay, hurry up. I ordered more things-

-Are you all right in there?-a female voice spoke to him from the other side of the door.

Jeff came out after throwing up the few things he had eaten.

-Are you feeling all right?- the woman asked him worriedly.

-Yes, sorry, I'm fine- Jeff walked over to the sink to rinse his face.

-You shouldn't eat fried food-


-Fried food won't do you any good if you're sick-

-It's just an upset stomach, it's nothing- he tried hard to smile. He looked at himself in the mirror, he was very pale. No wonder the woman was so worried.

-How long has it been?-

-What?- he asked her again not understanding.

-You are an omega, right?-

-How do you know it?-

-I'm just guessing, but from your answer I assume so-.


-How many weeks?-

-How many weeks what?- he continued to not understand.

-The baby...how many weeks old is it?

-What....I...I don't...-it took a few moments before he was able to connect the various things -No! Look, you are wrong...there is no baby....sit must be a virus...nothing else...-he hastened to say embarrassed.

-Whatever. But do you want my advice? Get a checkup- saying this, the woman left.

Jeff stood for a while pondering. How had she come up with such a thing? What was wrong with that lady? But what if...he had been having that nausea for several days already, it couldn't be a virus....and if....

Jeff opened his eyes wide....no....it was impossible....he and Jesse didn't.....they had used condoms....always and....however....when he had the last heat, was he really sure that Jesse had used them? He didn't know, he didn't remember anything....he couldn't....it had been several weeks before, maybe a month?.... he couldn't even remember how many....no, it was impossible.

He wiped his face and returned to the table with Charlie. He couldn't touch any more food all evening, and finally Charlie seeing him absent and lost in his thoughts, decided to take him home.

-Sorry Charlie, I'm just not feeling very well-

-Don't worry, do you want me to take you to a doctor tomorrow?-

-No, I'm fine, thank you. I just need to get some sleep- -

When he arrived at his apartment, he took a glass of water and went to bed rolling in the blankets. At that moment he didn't want to think about anything, just close his eyes and hope nothing had happened.


Hello everyone, sorry for the wait but finally here is the new chapter.

This is the first part of the flashback and I promise I will post the second part tomorrow.

Enjoy your reading 😊

OLD SCARS AlanJeff (Omegaverse) | PITBABEWhere stories live. Discover now