17. HEAL

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-In these two days, he has made a lot of improvement, but he still doesn't feel like talking about what happened to him. It may take time. We are discharging him for the time being, but it is best if you keep an eye on him and stay close to him. I have the impression that he feels very lonely right now, try to involve him in something, maybe in the next few days he will open up to you. In the meantime, these are the medicines he needs to take. Make sure he takes them; it has already happened that some patients forget or do not want to take them. They might cause him drowsiness at first, be patient- the doctor said, giving Charlie a plastic bag with some medicines.

-Thank you very much- Alan replied.

-So, can we go?- meanwhile Jeff had finished changing and taking the things Charlie had brought him during those two days.

-All right, don't rush, we have time- joked Charlie.

Jeff did not respond and rolled his eyes.

-Come and stay with me for a few days, what do you say Jeff?" asked Charlie.

-No way! I'm going home- he answered offended.

-The doctor said it would be better if you didn't stay alone...-

-Why? I can live alone, thank you-

-Well...here...Jeff, I honestly don't feel like leaving you alone right now--

-What?! I'm fine, I don't need your help-

-Yes, but if I left you alone at home I wouldn't feel comfortable-



-Ah, I get it. You think I will try to kill myself again, don't you?-he said wryly.

He was not angry and certainly could not be disappointed that they did not trust him. After what he had done, it was normal for them not to trust to leave him home alone.

-Charlie, I don't need a babysitter. Besides, you are together with Babe, I don't want to bother you and be the third wheel-

-You can stay with me if you want- Alan interrupted them.

-What? - Jeff asked, surprised.

-My house is big, I have extra rooms. And I'm alone, so you wouldn't bother me. If it would make Charlie feel comfortable, why don't you come to my place?-

-That's a good idea- added Charlie.

-So there's really not the slightest chance that I can go to my house?

-No- they replied in unison.

-Okay...- he finally huffed.

-So what do you want to do today?- Alan asked, finishing carrying Jeff's stuff inside the living room.

-Don't you need to go to the garage?

-No need. Way and Babe will take care of everything these days, I trust them-.

-Okay...- Jeff looked around.

The house was huge, very spacious. The kitchen immediately gave onto the living room. There was a huge sofa and a TV. Alan even had a swimming pool with a garden.

-So what? Are you hungry?


-You haven't eaten this morning, how about going out for breakfast? it's 11 a.m., it's not too late-

-I'm good-

Jeff didn't feel like talking, and he was bothered by the attention he was receiving. He just wished he could have spent some time alone, like he always did. Maybe lie on the bed and look at his cell phone or sleep. But apparently, that was exactly what the doctor had advised him not to do. She had told him to spend some time with friends, to go out, to find something he liked to do. The truth was that there was nothing he wanted to do. Usually, when it was sunny, he liked to walk outside, but now? He didn't feel anything. He didn't feel like it, he didn't consider it worthwhile. It was as if the day was all gray despite the sun in the sky.

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