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This chapter will be very soft. We will see a little of the relationship between Jeff and Charlie but nothing special. Be prepared, however, for the next chapters....

I wanted to add this part to slow down and give the story more breathing room before the trouble starts....


Beep, beep, beep...

It was half past seven in the morning. He opened his eyes and remembered everything that had happened the night before. When he had come home he had thrown himself on the bed still dressed and fell asleep immediately. He looked at the alarm clock on the nightstand. He was not going to work today. He did not want to see Alan, and he did not know if he had told Charlie or the others everything. And then there was the problem of Jesse and the video....
However, staying in bed feeling sorry for himself was not going to help. He had turned off his cell phone the night before, wanted to avoid any contact with people he knew, and especially wanted to avoid Jesse calling him. Having turned off his cell phone almost made him feel good, it seemed as if he was away from the dramas and problems of his life.

He struggled to get up; he was still tired and felt quite weak. He turned on the hot water in the shower, he just wanted to spend some time alone and a shower would clear his mind. He walked into the kitchen and as always the refrigerator was empty...he was going to have to start grocery shopping one of those days. It had been a long time since he had eaten something that was not a packaged meal or ordered online. He would go out later and eat something.

He undressed and stood in front of the mirror. He had small red spots around his neck and on his chest. They made him remember the events of the previous night. He hated himself for what he had done, disgusted himself, but it didn't matter anymore. He stepped into the shower, under the boiling water. The steam that went on made him feel better and the hot water relaxed him at least partially. He would not have wanted to get out but the heat was making him dizzy and his skin was completely red. He dressed with a calmness that was strange even for him. He didn't care about anything anymore. He left his cell phone at home and went outside.

-Hey, Alan, have you seen Jeff?

-No, Charlie, he hasn't come to the garage yet-.

-I tried to call him but I always get his voicemail and messages don't get through-

-Me too, I've been trying to reach him since last night, but nothing-

-Why, what happened last night?

-No, nothing. I wanted to know how he was, but he never answered- lied Alan. He knew Jeff didn't want his brother to know about that, it wasn't his place to tell him. He was worried, though.

-I'm worried, he seems very distant lately. Can I leave early today, and go look for him at home?-

-Of course. When you find him tell me, I'm worried too- he would have liked to go see him too, but maybe giving him his space was the best thing.

Charlie rang Jeff's apartment doorbell several times, but nothing. He opened the door with his spare key. He had one since Jeff had forgotten his keys inside the house a year earlier and could no longer open the door. There was no one inside; everything was clean and tidy, as was typical of his brother. He hated clutter. He went to look in the refrigerator, empty. Jeff hadn't really changed...he would have to teach him to take better care of himself in the future. Charlie found his cell phone on the nightstand, turned off. At least he had found out why Jeff wasn't answering....

OLD SCARS AlanJeff (Omegaverse) | PITBABEOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant