Kim smiles, imagining how she and Rose could play. Maybe she should replace the girl who plays this role. Anyway, now the brown-haired girl is thinking about it.

Jennie thought it would be pretty boring to watch what was happening, but she was wrong. The warm-up was really boring, but as soon as the girls started the game, everything immediately changed.

The main defender of the team in which Roseanne played was not only terrible, she was disgusting. It's like she's made of wood. In ten minutes, this girl, whose name Jennie did not know, never fell or even tried to take the ball in the fall. It's like she's afraid to do it, hoping that the ball will land on her hands. Rose has to take the pitches herself. Instead of taking the ball from the defender and throwing the ball to the attacker, she takes the ball, and then anything can happen.

Half an hour later, Jennie's eyebrows were almost on her forehead in surprise, and she noticed that Rose's eyebrows were in the same place. No one else seemed surprised: for them, such a shitty second—line game is a common thing.

The girl attacking the ball is also a bit silly. When serving, it might even seem that none of them had ever held the ball in their hands before. It was hitting the net. Yes, the team won only thanks to mistakes in the opponents' serve, but at least they served out, and the ball flew over the net.

It was so terrible that Jennie at some point had a cramp on her face from the grimace that formed by itself during the viewing.

She notices how angry Rose is, how the girl clenches her fists, how she sighs heavily at another failure. She sees how Rose is trying to take the whole game into her own hands, but she is not on attack and not on defense, and in general this is a team sport, interaction is important here, which is completely absent.

By the way, Sana's team is no better, but at least the girls there can serve the ball normally and play well in attack. 

Jennie notices that the opposing team (of course, this is the team where Sana is) is aiming at the back line — at the place where libero is standing. Maybe other defenders are better, so no matter what position (on the edge or in the center) the libero occupies on the field, the ball flies to her.

They finished the first game with a score of 25-11, and Jennie notices Rose walking away somewhere.

Actually, the toilet is also in that direction, but after seeing the roommate off, she realizes that she turned into the forest.

She's curious.

Actually, she can't. She can't go, because it's weird, but Jennie is already standing. Jennie's on her way. She's never been overly curious, but right now she just can't be indifferent. Maybe Rose decided to get the fuck out of here. She is so shocked by her team.

The girl has a lot of options for why it's worth leaving here, and this one is the most reasonable. Any volleyball fan would not be able to watch this without tears. Maybe Rose went to cry?

Jennie laughs to herself as she continues to go over the reasons.

She walks along the path and stops when she notices Rose standing by a tree and slapping its trunk with her palm.

Kim clings to the tree, taking a relaxed pose, and continues to watch as Rose slaps the tree and mutters something under her breath.

-It would be better if you slap the defender of your team like that.- Jennie grins, and Rose jumps in surprise when she hears her voice.

-Damn it! What the fuck are you doing here?! Have you been following me?!

-Of course.- The brown-haired girl smiles and, pushing off from the tree, walks closer to the girl.- Listen.- She says mysteriously, while Rose controls the urge to beat her too.- I can help you be calmer. You're mad about the game, aren't you?

-They're stupid!- Rose shouts as if unable to stand it.- How can they play defense like that, how can they not throw the ball over the net?! Moreover, they do not risk making the top serve or... damn, they just can't do it!

-Let them use the bottom serve.- Jennie gently suggests, biting her lip, coming very close to the girl, who begins to frown, reacting to such a short distance between them.- They can be prompted or helped. I noticed that they were taking risks. It's just not visible yet.

-Did you follow me to talk about volleyball?- Rose takes a step back, leaning her back against a tree.

-I can play with you. I was the main defender at school. It's been a long time, but I'm not afraid to fall, so I could definitely be useful.

-Why didn't you join the team right away?- The blonde studies the girl with her gaze, lowering it to her legs.

-I didn't want to. But I want to do it for you.

Rose immediately grins, and then shakes her head:

-You're not giving up.

-No.- Jennie shrugs and takes another step forward, stopping at arm's length.- What do you think about this?

-It's easier for me to give a fuck about this game than to kiss you, Jennie.- Rose purses her lower lip and shrugs.

Jennie follows the girl with her eyes as she walks around her:

-Then I'm sure you're going to kill someone there. Well, do whatever you want. Although... if you keep trying to fulfill all the roles, I'm afraid to imagine what awaits your poor injured leg.

-Fuck you.- Park answers with a smile, turning away and speeding up her pace. She walks forward, leaving the girl behind.

Jennie is not upset by this response. She had foreseen it. Actually, she was improvising, thinking on the move, what could hurt the girl. To offend — in this case, not to offend, but simply to provoke. She likes it the most. Not with everyone. With Rose.

Her roommate is too charming when she looks at her with her own eyes. Her smile is also charming, which, although accompanied by refusals, still provokes. Jenniewould never impose, especially when she is rudely rejected. Actually, she can't even remember when she was rejected. In this part of her personal life, from the moment it began, she has always been fine. With Rose, everything is strange.

On the one hand, she is rude and has made it clear more than once that Jennie should leave her alone, but on the other hand, this does not fit in with how she often stares, with what kind of look she does it... that smile of hers and the eyes that study her when they're around. She can cling to this, and she can make mistakes in this, but some moments are perceived intuitively, and they are not at all explicable by any facts, they just exist. Maybe she interprets it incorrectly, and Rose is ordinary. Maybe... as long as Jennie wants to do what she does, she wants to see everything that way and think that her intuition does not let her down, and these invisible vibes really exist.

Realizing that the blonde has already left, and she is standing alone in the park, which is essentially a forest, Jennie sighs.

There's going to be a disco tonight. Perhaps there will be one girl for yes, and perhaps this very girl will attract all the attention to herself. Then Jennie will give up on her roommate and her maybe not even existing vibes.

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