Let me make it up to you

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After that weekend Jisung had driven Minho home. Felix had asked Chris for a ride before Changbin could offer. «Hey Lix, is everything okay?» Chris had asked him on their ya to Felix's apartment.

«Yeah, why?» the freckled boy had replied in a flat tone.

«I noticed you and Bin are ignoring each other, I was wondering if something happened," Chris had noticed how the two barely spoke to each other. As Felix had been silent almost the entire time they were Redditch.

«We just had a little disagreement» he didn't add more, there was nothing to say anyway.

«I understand, I don't want to intrude, if you need to talk about it I'm on hand» he reassured him with a smile and Felix felt grateful to have such a good friend as Chris, but he didn't want to talk about it. He was making an effort to put it all behind him and pretend it was nothing.


As the days passed after their unexpected moment, Changbin found himself struggling to come to terms with his feelings. The tension between him and Felix lingered, every time they all went out as a group Felix would completely deceive him by pretending that he was not there, and he each time felt guilty for ruining their friendship and hurting his feelings.

One evening, as the city lights twinkled in the distance, he had stopped for a cigarette on his way home from the studio when he finally made a decision. He couldn't continue avoiding the issue, burying it beneath layers of denial and fear.

With determination, Changbin walked towards Felix's appartment. Each step felt heavier than the last, his heart pounding in his chest. But he went on, knowing that he could not keep running away from his problems. When he reached Felix's door, he hesitated for a moment, his hand hovering uncertainly over the doorbell, but then, with a steady breath, he pressed the bell.

The door swung open, revealing Felix standing in the doorway, in his pijamas, surprise flickering in his eyes. «Changbin» he said, his voice guarded.

«Felix» Changbin replied, his own voice tinged with unease. «Can we talk?»

Felix's expression hardened slightly, his defenses rising «About what?» he asked with a sharp tone.

Changbin swallowed hard, steeling himself for what he was about to say. «About us» he said, his voice barely above a whisper.

Felix's gaze flickered with confusion, and anger «What about us?» he asked, his voice tinged with frustration.

Changbin hesitated, grappling for the right words. «About what happened between us» he admitted «I know I've been avoiding it, and I'm sorry. but but I cannot stay away from you»

Felix's eyes softened slightly, a hint of understanding shining through. «So?» he asked quietly a small threatening to slip from his lips.

«I'm sorry, Felix» he said 

«I should have talked to you sooner. I was scared, and I didn't know how to face it.»

Felix's gaze softened, a flicker of forgiveness shining through. «I understand, Changbin» he replied, his voice gentle. «But we can't keep avoiding this forever» Changbin nodded, a sense of relief washing over him. «I want to talk about it, Felix» he said, his voice filled with determination. «I want to make things right between us.»

«You wanna come in?» the younger asked moving away from the door, but before he could but before she could realise what was happening Changbin's lips were on his; a sincere and desperate kiss, a silent plea for forgivness and affection.

For a brief moment, he allowed himself to melt into the kiss, his heart aching with the weight of unspoken feelings. But as reality crashed back in, he pulled away resting his forhead on the brunette's «Bin...» he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper, his mind swirling with a whirlwind of emotions. His heart racing in his chest.

«Let me make it up to you» Changbin softly whispered on his lips his hands sliding down to squeeze his waist. And Felix just couldn't resist anymore as his knees went weak.

He quicky reconnected their lips in a more hungry and less sweet kiss, finally releasing all the tension that had built up between them over the last few days.

Despite the fact that they desired each other, the brunette had made an effort to make him feel safe and give the younger some time, he didn't want him to think he was taking advantage of him.  

That night Changbin had spent the evening at Felix's house. When they had prepared for bed Felix had lent him pyjamas. Before Changin could take off his shirt the stadium choirs inside Felix's head shouted 'Naked! Naked! Naked!' He blushed at the thought, leaving the room to calm down.

«So you like men?» Changbin had asked him once they laid down in bed. 

«Yeah» he confessed 

«And when did you know, like you know»

«After my first gilfriend i suppose» the brunette encouraged him to continue

«It's hard to explain» he admitted, his fingers tracing circles on Chagbin's arm «I guess... I just realized that what I felt for her wasn't the same as what I feel for... well, guys»

«So, you're... gay?» he ventured, wanting to be sure he understood correctly.

Felix nodded, a small smile quirking at the corners of his lips. «Yeah» he confirmed, his gaze meeting Changbin's with a sense of vulnerability. 

A warm feeling settled in Changbin's chest as he reached out, tangling his fingers with Felix's. «Thank you for telling me»

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