Doesn't that bloke have principles or something?

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«No way,» Chris had said, looking up at Jisung in disapproval

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«No way,» Chris had said, looking up at Jisung in disapproval. Felix knew that he would react that way, but Jisung still wanted to try.

«Why not? He shagged my bitch!» he exclaimed, dropping into the small sofa chair in Chris's studio.

«Hey, how many times have I told you not to talk about girls as if they were objects» began the blond guy in a serious tone.

«Oh yeah, yeah, sorry 'bout that.»

«Okay, that's better, and why are you blamin' him? It's not his fault, it's Linda's who was with you and had obligations to you as your girlfriend, also you don't know this bloke, why are you so mad with him?» he asked, looking up at Jisung. As right as Chris was, he just couldn't stand to be cheated on, and desperately wanted to know who it was.

«He's right,» Felix agreed, nodding. Jisung shot him a glare.

«Shut up Lix! I just wanna know who she cheated with, I won't do anything,» he replied, annoyed. The fact was that he'd never been cheated on, and the fact that Linda decided to do so made him incredibly annoyed.

«I know the lad» Chris said.

«What d'ya mean?» Jisung was confused. If he knew who it was, why hadn't he told him before?

«Why didn't you tell me before? Who is it?» the younger asked, jumping from his seat, anger rushing through his veins.

«I saw him repost the story, and I didn't tell you because I knew that you were going to react this way» he replied, rolling his eyes. He was so sick of having to parent Jisung nearly all the time.

«So? Who's the tosser?»

«It's an old mate from college. He's a nice guy, Ji, don't be too pressed.»

«HE STOLE MY GIRL!» This explained why he defended him; he was actually surprised that he did not know that they knew each other. Jisung knew almost everything about Chris; they had been friends for so long that it was surprising he had missed it.

«Anyway, if you want to talk to him, I can set up a meeting, only if you promise to be polite and nice.» Jisung rolled his eyes.

«Fine, but I'm not making any promises» he finally agreed. What could go wrong with a meetup? At least that way they could talk, and he could put him in his place.

«Fine, I'll talk to him. Remember, you promised to behave» said Chris, glaring at him.

«Yeah,yeah, okay, whatever.»

That weekend, Chris talked to that Lee Know guy, asking him to meet and have a drink together. Minho informed Chris that he was actually having a party that weekend at his place and invited him, telling him to bring some friends.

«Mate, do you know any chick named Linda?» Chris asked over the phone.

«Yeah, why?»

«I saw your Instagram stories recently, and if you didn't know, that is, well, was, Jisung's girl. You remember him, right?»

«Really? Oh, bollocks, I'm so sorry, man. I didn't know. Well, bring Jisung to the party too, I'll talk to him.» He was lying; of course he knew that Linda had a boyfriend. She told him herself. She didn't fancy him anymore, so she decided to cheat on him with Minho. Gosh, Minho was too thrilled to see how pissed Jisung was about it.

He remembered him from his college years; he often came to visit Chris and came to college parties. Minho found him extremely annoying and childish, and he took such pleasure in pissing him off like that.

That day, Jisung was excited; he would finally meet Lee Know. He wasn't really nervous; more like excited, he was ready to have to talk to him. Saturday afternoon, he stood in front of the bathroom mirror, trying to appear as confident as possible.

«Hey, you got a problem, mate? No, no, no, it's stupid. Let's try again. Hey, can I ask you why you bother to nick other people's girls? Bloody hell!» he muttered in the end, slamming a hand on his face. That was so pathetic.


«HOW MUCH LONGER?» Jisung asked for the seventh time. He was sitting in the back seat, curled up next to Changbin. Meanwhile, he was fantasizing about what might happen in that mansion when they arrived. It was finally the weekend, and they were driving to Minho's party.

«Be patient; his villa is like almost an hour away from here. I can't drive any faster than this,» Chris replied. Sometimes, that kid really made him lose patience. Even though Jisung often made him lose his mind and could also be extremely irritating, he had immense affection for him. He and Changbin treated him mostly as a little brother to protect and teach.

«I still don't understand why I should become mates with him. I don't like that bloke. He's interested in other dude's chicks, I mean, doesn't that bloke have principles or somethin'?»

«He got a point» Changbin agreed, looking at Chris.

«He's alright. He didn't even know that she was with you; it's all a big misunderstanding. We'll find out soon enough» Chris said, glancing at the blondie.

Jisung rolled his eyes, but all he could do at that moment was be patient and wait until they got there. He would've shown that bloke a lesson.

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