Are you pullin' my leg?

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Minho was quite surprised. Han Jisung had just invited him to his parents' house.

«Me and the guys are going to visit my parents in Reddich, you wanna come? We're staying there for the weeked» he casually said one day after they had finished having sex.

«Uhm sure» he had replied not knowing what it ment, but he still felt quite happy about it. So that weeked Chris, Changbin, Felix and the two drived to Jisung's childhood home.

Mrs Han had greeted all four of them with a hug and cheek squeezes, Pausing on Minho. «It's so nice to meet you Mrs Han» Minho greeted with a little bow and a big smile. Nothing like the hot prick Jisung found himself every day.

«Oh please call me Mi-cha, it's a pleasure meeting you Minho»  the woman said embracing him in a hug. Jisung did not know how to react at that sight.

«Well i arrenged the guest room for the three of you, well i guess someone will have to share Jisung's room» Chris and Changbin shared a look grinning.

«He can stay in my room» Jisung quickly replied blushing.

Felix, on the other hand, was confused. He reached out to Chris and whispered, "Don't these two hate each other?" making the older smirk. «Apparently they're fucking each other»

«Are you pullin' my leg?»


«Shut up!» he nearly screamed making the others turn around



Minho and Jisung headed for the younger's room to put down their bags. Minho took a moment to look around what was Jisung's childhood room; painted a deep blue, there was a large bed, a desk and several Rapper posters hanging on the walls, and a lacrosse stick leaning against one corner.

«I used to play in high school» the brunette replied noticing Minho looking at the corner of the room.

«Bet you sucked» Minho said with a laugh only to annoy him. Jisung punched him lightly on the shoulder.

«No i was actually pretty good»

«Sure you were» Jisung rolled his eyes.

«You know in what else I was really good at?» he asked arching a brow getting dangerously close to the brunette

«What?» Minho asked in a whisper

«This» he replied before capturing the older's lips, in a wet and sesual kiss. Jisung tried to take dominance and for once Minho let him.

Jisung's body now responded to him in ways he could not control, like a drug; he needed more and more doses to get high.

Eventually that heated kiss got somehow softer, sweet, almost caring. Like it meant something to the two of them. Like there was no place for hate anymore.

They were unfortunately interrupted by Felix who walked in unannounced, the two of them quickly broke away trying to pretend like nothing had happened.  

«Mrs Han set the dinner» he popped from the door quickly and left. He couldn't believe his eyes.

«We'll be there in a minute» they exchanged a look unable to repress a laugh. Jisung give him a last peck on the lips before leaving the room. There he was wandering about his heat racing, his mind going crazy over that little insufferable blonde boy.

Was he falling for him?


During dinner Minho finally got a change to meet Jisung's father. A short man with an adorable smile, in some ways he looked like Jisung.

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