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my mindset: when in doubt, write more cat wives!!

oh but by the way- 

this one's angsty


TW: panic attack, self harm, implied self harm, angsty stuff


It was very sunny.

Like a great, big ball in the sky, the orange flaming star beat down upon the cluster of houses.

It was hot enough that if you pushed someone into a pool they would say thank you (and maybe scream first).

The phantom, fully invisible except from her pumpkin beanie, was standing on her porch with the mermaid, waiting impatiently for the sun to cease its' dry spell. She kept pacing forward every three seconds, glancing up at the faraway clouds.

The phantom, Shelby, though usually upbeat, kept grumbling about the sun. Everybody was up in the mountains, digging a pool to relax in.

The mermaid had chosen to stay with the phantom because, not that she'd ever tell the other, she just simply liked spending time with her.

The phantom finally sat down. Nikki, the mermaid, looked over at her now saddened face.

'Why can't I enjoy the sun. Why is it that when every else enjoys something I have to hate it? What is wrong with me?' Shelby said angrily, standing back up to pace back and forth.

'There's nothing wrong with  you.' Nikki whispered softly.

Shelby whipped around. 'Of course there is. Why can I never remember anything? Why is it that I hate loud noises? It's all fine and dandy for you. You know who you are. You know who you were.'

'Shelby I think you've been in the sun too long we should-' Nikki was cut off.

The phantom paced up and down the porch quicker. 'Why am I like this?' She dug her fingernails into her palm, leaving curved pink dents. 

Nikki got up and advanced towards Shelby, who seemed to shrink in fear. The phantom clawed at her hair, shaking her head, her eyes glazing over with an unknown fear. The air went cold, the sky turning dark at the overhead clouds.

'Please Shelby, just let me help y-'

'Fucking nothing. Nothing.' Shelby pushed past Nikki and slammed the door to her house. Nikki tried the doorknob. She had locked it.

Nikki sunk against the door as rain began to pelt down onto the roof of Shelby's porch. She knew the phantom had also leant against the door. Her heart broke in half as broken sobs came from the other side.  Blurred drops of water surrounded the cottage as she pleaded for the phantom to open the door. She heard scraping and the opening of the drawer, the screams of pain, the rocking of the girl as she tried to make the pain go away.

'Shelby...'  The mermaid whispered, the cries of the one she loved most echoing in her head as she sat there.


Sooo how are we doing today????? :D

yeah im not gonna lie to you guys even I felt sad writing this


ok bai bai for now :)

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