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I would like to put some Fallen star (or FS!) headcannons here :)

5 for each species, 3 for each character and 5 for their location.

If you wanna read the story without this fact file and come back at the end, that's ok as it contains probably major spoilers for after Pt. 1




1. Starbornes originate from the planet Astraeus.

2. They hate rain.

3. They shoot beams of light which can startle or incapacitate someone. Stronger beams can fry stuff to a crisp.

4. Their lifespan is 130 years.

5. They have a royal family, which started all the way back when the citizens elected a bloodline to rule 10,000 years ago.


1. Merlings used to just be humanoid fish, but they've evolved.

2. Their lifespan is also longer, ranging from 135-140 years

3. Their system is purely based on election after the royal bloodline ruling method stopped 35ish years before Tubbo became head of Disc Labs.

4. All merpeople have good hand-eye co-ordination, reflex and vision, making them master fishers and great swimmers.

5. They are good at wielding tridents.


1. Phantoms feel the cold more often.

2. Their lifespan ranges from 135-140 years, same as merlings.

3. Phantoms are just visible in the daylight, and translucent at night.

4. A maximum of 3 items will show up on them in daylight.

5. They can phase everywhere and carry whatever they're holding and wearing with them.


1. Bees can transform between semi-human with bee wings and antenna to just normal bees.

2. Bees do not die when they sting. Bee-humans have poisonous lasers on their antenna, which when pointed at someone can give them sickness, headache and stomach pains as well as stings.

3. Bees like warmth and the sun.

4. Bees recover from sickness quicker with the aroma of flowers and they are given a light sugar rush when having 1 tsp or more of honey, though it does help with weariness and fatigue (no they do not produce honey).

Fallen star- An OSMP and DSMP fanficحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن