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basically just a catwives filler chapter with all the catwives you ever wanted

also sometimes in this chapter i use they/them for shelby cause it's confusing when there are two hers and shelby is ok with she/they pronouns so yeah!


Nikki had tried to seem normal, but it just wasn't working.

By now, she was sure Shelby had noticed her glances of worry and pity compared to the usual smiles.

Shelby and her were collecting berries for Shelby's new bakery, titled Cinnaboo. (I haven't watched the videos for like 1000 years pls correct me if I'm wrong lol)

She was trying to get a berry when a thorn caught her ankle, causing her to fall over with an 'Ow!'

Shelby came rushing over, setting down her basket and examining her ankle. She had thorn prickles in her leg, as well as bleeding spots.

Nikki handed Shelby her bag, trying not to wince as she propped herself up. 

'You ok?' Shelby asked.

'Y-yeah.' She said, stuttering as she felt Shelby's warm breath on her leg, flinching as Shelby picked out the thorns, their fingers brushing her ankle as they wrapped the white material around her ankle, not unlike the first time they met where Nikki had taken care of Shelby.

'Can you walk?' She asked, holding both of their berry baskets. Nikki nodded, leaning on Shelby for support as she hobbled.

They headed to Shelby's house, since it was closer and she fiddled with the keyhole. She helped Nikki up the stairs and onto her bed and went to go grab some frozen peas and Fanta. (bc fanta is great)

Outside, she saw Scott, Sparklez, Tubbo and Phil having a heated debate. Once Scott spotted her, he nudged the others and they began chatting animatedly.


She went upstairs and handed the Fanta and frozen peas to Nikki. When Nikki took the can, she glanced at the label displaying the flavour: Fruit twist.

'You remembered which Fanta I like.' She smiled.

'Yeah.' Shelby said, cracking open her Lemon Fanta. Her face started to heat up for no apparent reason as Nikki gazed at her, smiling, so she decided to sip some of her drink.

They'd been in the sun all day. As a phantom, Shelby was generally mostly gone, her faint form would glitter in the sun, but her pumpkin beanie and boots would always be a telltale sign she was there.

Nikki smiled at Shelby, who was brewing a potion. Shelby noticed and smiled back. 

Unbeknownst to each other, both had a warm feeling spread throughout their body.


'WHAT DO YOU MEAN?' Tubbo shouted.

The rest of the server were hanging out in Scott's very aesthetically pleasing lounge, holding cups of drink and taking turns playing chess.

They had asked Nikki and Shelby to join them, but they had both said they had plans with each other.

Scott nodded. 'I agree with Tubbo on this one, they're gonna be full-on kissing in like 3 days.'

Sparklez eyerolled as he made his next move against Techno. He was losing, but not by much. 'There is no way, they're like sisters.' 

Ranboo agreed, and so did Phil.

Scott gasped. 'HOMOPHOBES! They're perfect for each other.'

Sparklez shook his head, laughing at his little brother's antics.

'Fine.' Tubbo said. 'We'll bet on it. If they get together, me and Scott get a stack of diamonds. If they don't, we have to give you guys a stack of diamonds.' He looked to Scott for confirmation, and Scott nodded.

'Techno, Tommy which side are you on.'

'Well sappy stuff is weird so... Phil's!' Tommy replied, taking a sip of his orange juicebox.

'Techno?' Ranboo prompted.

'Scott's.' He grunted, leaning back. 'They are made for each other.'

'Awe. Who knew big scary PVP champion Techno loved lo-'

Then Technoblade kicked Tommy gently in the ribs, and they shook on it.


A/N: fanta is great and Nikki gives fruit twist vibes as much as Shelby gives lemon fanta vibes <3




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