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And so, the first part of this story comes to an end.

The brightest star of all, chained in a lab.

A pink cotton-candy haired princess (thanks Ink) torn by loyalty.

An insane bee-loving scientist, driven to find a cure.

Yet, we still haven't discussed the other stars.

Don't worry, they'll arrive later.

For now, this is where it is.

Don't fret, everything comes around in the end.

Goodbye, for now.


EDIT: y'all tell me if willbum the abuser is still accidentially in here ok? I dont support him nor do i want him in this book, but i suck at editing TWT

ANOTHER EDIT: also i haven't changed that much so ye

Fallen star- An OSMP and DSMP fanficМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя