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By noon that next day, Shelby had reached a dark cavern, where she sat watching the rain drip. It was awfully cold, and the only warm thing Shelby possessed was her yellow jumper.

She huddled in a corner, hands shaking. Of the cold or of worry, she wasn't sure.

Their planet needed this gem. It would reinforce their defenses by tons. If the humans attacked-

Shelby shuddered, then thought of life back there. She had a younger brother, who stayed with the stupid 'replacement' parents the king had given to them.

Being younger than Shelby, her brother didn't remember much of their real parents. Shelby did. They were gentle and kind. Her father spoke in a distinct accent that had a bit of a highland edge to it. Her mother was small but graceful. She didn't remember much, after all, she'd only been 16. She remembered their names. 

Xavier and Thalia Grace.

Her brother had been 5. He remembered borderline nothing. His name was Jak Grace. But now it was Jak Taylor.

So as the seasons changed, as Shelby rebelled against their new parents, who she was certain hated her, she and her brother grew further apart, to the point where her brother began to take things from her, to abuse her, verbally and physically.

She refused to take her new parents, Sarah and Carter's, new last name.

She peeled back her yellow jumper, revealing lines of scars, some faint, some nearly fresh.

She began to go to Scott more and more, seeking help. He had been there on the days she cried her eyes out, when she vented everything.

And now... she wasn't there.

She began to cry, resting her head in her arms as she sobbed.

Her breathing quickened as she rocked backward and forward.

Memories flashed in her mind. The ones she never thought of. The ones she wanted to stay buried forever. People, humans, swarming their house as Shelby was frozen in fear, as she heard screams. She held Jak in her arms as they retreated.

She was in a waiting room, the day she met her 'new' parents. Imeadiately, they took Jak from her, and scowled at her with an intensity.

Her parents looked down on her as if she was a bug. (why would they do that)

They would constantly abuse her, emotionally and mentally manipulating her to believe she was nothing, and that she deserved this. Even her brother would join in. 

Despite that being 3 days ago, before the huge quest, she still believed in the back of her mind, that she was worth nothing.


She had never, ever wanted to see them again. The humans, bad Starbornes. She began to mutter under her breath.

Suddenly, it felt impossible to breathe. She tried to gasp in air, she felt like stomach was being crushed by tons of heavy metal.

Tears flooded down my face as she sniffed and rested her head against the rocks. She felt her old scars opening back up.

Just make it go away.


I CHANGED SOME THINGS! I wanted to include mental and emotional abuse to show the affect it can have on some people and how it's just as bad as physical abuse.

anywhoozle, at this point in time while im writing this im just going through and correcting some things.

489 words.

EDIT: footure moi, there's not much to edit now so :P

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