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The next few days passed uneventfully.

Tubbo, or the bee boy and Shelby would often refer to him to, would mostly be locked up in his office, racking his brain for a solution, sometimes slamming his head on the desk in rage, which Shelby thought could NOT be good for him.

Nikki wasn't to be seen, but a few days later she came back, hauling a large stack of sand.

Shelby was often puzzled by the things other people did, and would spend hours watching through some tiny bars on a small window.

She saw Nikki often enough, sometimes with a small blonde-haired boy, who would scream curses.

Another time she saw a tall man with a mask, carrying a few cobblestone blocks.

Nearly every night, the explosions were guaranteed.

She was half asleep, half awake. There were no explosions.

She got up, chains disappearing.

BOOM! An explosion rattled the windows. It was closer, close, too close for it to be anything else-

BOOM! Another violent explosion nearly shook Shelby to the core.

Nikki was standing in front of her, smoke behind. All sorts of creatures were rampaging.

Tubbo appeared behind Nikki. "What the fuck."

"Toby, you can't keep these people trapped here forever-"

"Nikki, do you know how LONG this took? The meticulous searching and-"

He stopped as Shelby floated away.

"OI!" he screamed, running after her. Nikki rugby-tackled him to the ground, screaming 'RUN SHELBY!'

When they reached the top of the mountain, nearly everyone was there. The loud, short blonde boy, the masked man, Nikki, and many others.

Tubbo was panting and wheezing, sweat everywhere, whilst Shelby was unfazed (or unphased haha ghost pun).

"This." He panted. "This ends now"

And with that, he unsheathed his diamond sword and threw it, his aim precise, fast and true.


The world was slipping away. Shelby made out distinct, black shapes. The searing pain wouldn't go away. That searing pain in her chest. When would it stop? She just wanted to go home. To frolic around in medows with Scott, to talk to Nikki at night and look at the sky, to play pranks on Sparklez with Scott.


As soon as the world lost its brightest star, Astraeus crumbled.

The stars fell to Earth.

Scott felt rumbling before he was launched down.

He spun and spun, until he hit a falling comet.

And his world turned black as well.

Sparklez turned to his dad, rage building up inside him like a fountain.

"Why." He whispered as they fell. Tears streaking his cheeks, he impaled his father in the stomach with his sword, but not before his dad punched him, leaving a ringing in his ears. His memory, partially erased, was still mostly intact, unlike Scott's. 

The stars fell, and Astraeus was lost to history, history and humans.


Days passed. And in turn they turned into months, which turned into years, which turned into decades. Most stars were still lost in the galaxy, and only some had found other planets.

Tubbo was now a bee. Because of his experiments, his friends had turned into supernatural humans, which they thought was quite cool, however he did not. Being supernatural beings, everyone who was involved within a 9,000,000,000 meter radius of the Astraeus crumbling had gained a 1000-year lifespan.

Including humans.

Though they lost all memory when becoming these beings, and so Earth, though still very much whole, was lost to history, its timeline severed.


441 words! Wow im so dramatic >:)

Changed some stuff but not much. :)

Yippity ki yay i hath drama not much change

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