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Sofia's pov
I have a baby inside me ,my baby . The only thought gave me chills .
Move out , move out I cried and ran my hand through my tummy like a mad woman .

Sofia , shut the fuck up , don't force me to  discipline you in this condition .

I . I want to go home , to my dada , he must be searching for me . I don't want this , this baby or this pain . It it hurts everywhere , my tummy hurts my head hurts my whole body hurts but it is nothing compared to the pain I feel in my heart . You bastard . You raped me , all of you did by taking turns , first Xavier then  that man with no lips and then you . I I can't live like this anymore , just kill me Antonio kill me , and take this baby out from me . I don't know how it came in my tummy . I don't know anything and I don't want to know I just want to live with my dada and eat icecream , not with ketchup or garlic but just plain ice cream . I want to be comforted you sick assholes . My body is tired of getting raped and treated like a rag doll for months , I just want to rest . No one believes me , my husband himself . I don't even know anything about my husband , who is he , the work he does or why did he force me for something I never did . Antonio just kill me okay? I am tired , tired of carrying this pain . I just want to die . You fucktards have broken me beyond repair . I I am not ready to be a mom . I am just seventeen . I don't even know my husband's age . Please I never did any of you wrong , that Margot can be with Xavier , and and you can also do whatever you want but let me go please . This pain is too much I can't live like this please just let me go


You fucking bitch . Who the heck you think you are . Stop trying to gain sympathy . I know your cunt must have taken our dicks very well . I saw how you were moaning under that man that night . I was fucking there . Listen sweety . I will keep you as my whore or what you just said a rag doll and then sell you off . If I want I will fuck you , if I want I will kill you and you my dear will take it like the good girl you are hmm? And talking about this kid , kill it burn it or do whatever the fuck you want with it I don't give a damn , fucking keep it in your tiny tummy and bear it's tantrums .

Ouch . I said and closed my eyes signing in pain , my stomach was paining .

Antonio rolled his eyes and moved from the room leaving Sofia alone . Dad I just want you. Please I said and then darkness overtook me as I fainted .

After 2 hours .



You need to leave , Antonio said as my face lit up in happiness . Suddenly I saw two huge men enter the room . I am selling you . Wait , what ? No no no no no what are you saying . No this can't be . You are joking right . Sofia move your tiny ass and go with them . I have got a good price for you . They will present you in front of different people and they will buy you , keep your mouth shut and don't fucking dare to mention Xavier or that you are pregnant . They are all bad people hmm ? If you tell them you are pregnant they will kill your baby he got close to me and whispered on my ears . Suddenly I had a feeling of love and protectiveness for my baby . Please please Antonio ,I am pregnant ,think about this baby once if not me

You think I fucking care . He chuckled .

No no leave me and suddenly two men grabbed me and injected me with something in my neck . And I passed out in his arms , cold and scared .
100 million dollars for one night  . Everyone including Sofia heard a voice and they were stunned ,no one dared to tell him that he has to buy the girl not for just one night but for forever , as his whore .

It was Xavier's voice . The blindfold in Sofia's eyes was now completely wet . This was my baby I wanted to keep this , cherish this as my own , this can't be happening . He will kill my baby . No no Sofia get a grip , nothing will happen to your baby . I will not tell Xavier I am pregnant . No matter what I won't give him any hint .

My wrist was gripped tightly by two men double my size as I hissed in pain then I was forcefully shoved into a big car with many males . Maybe they were guards . I was scared so scared , in these 2 and a half months I was deprived of any happiness or comfort ,what I got was nothing but endless pain . I kept sobbing silently and then I was thrown into the living area of the Knight Mansion . Babe why is she here ? I heard Margot's voice . It suggested she wanted to bury me alive . So now Margot is Xavier's wife I thought . Xavier didn't say anything I heard his footsteps and the smell of his expensive colonge . I tried protesting as Xavier forcefully carried me in his shoulders and started walking towards his room , my room .

Take off your clothes . That all I heard , he was here just to ruin me again . Xa.Xavier no . Slap . Listen you are here as my whore not my wife and you don't know a tiny bit about how good I treat my whores but now you will . He said and tore my clothes .

Xav.Xavier please stop , it hurts so much I can't bear this pain , please .

He opened his belt and wrapped it around his hand , the veins in his neck and hands popping up . Count ,no no please aaaahhhh .

I said count , he growled and hit me again .

1 2 3 4 5 6


It.hu.hurts so mu.much . Please stop I was drenched completely in sweat , tears and blood . .

Spread your legs for me , he ordered  .

My baby will die . I thought , the only family I have will die .

No Xavier anything but this , I cried loudly , but Xavier kept on taking slow steps towards me like a predator does to its prey . I was curled , bloodied in the corner .

No . No . No . I was having a panic attack.  Not this.  Not this . Not this . Don't touch me . Don't touch me.  Please no no no I cried out . No no , it's okay baby mama will keep you safe I promise okay ? I will always love you and you will get to see the beautiful world . Sorry my baby , your mama is a weak women , but I will protect you.

Xavier stopped as Sofia continued blabbing things like mama is here and mama loves you

Xavier watched her carefully as she kept on having an anxiety attack . Crying and sobbing. 

I hope you dada would love you like my dada did to me but I promise I will give you the love and care you deserve .


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