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Jiwoong once again sighs as he stares at the contact name, 'Matt <3'. It has been about two, nearing three weeks ever since they had broken up and they haven't talk to each other at all.

Jiwoong was badly missing the boy he was so in love with. And he's still loving that boy even though they aren't together anymore.

"Ah fuck it," he curses out and taps on the call button as he waits, listening to the ringing tone. He didn't want to hope but he really wish that Matthew will at least picks up his call.

"Hello?" the other line response making Jiwoong heart's flustered again after being able to hear that voice he was longing for.

"Matthew! H-hey!" He awkwardly replied, feeling nervous all of a sudden. What if Matthew got annoyed by him wanting to reach out to the other? That thought alone makes him anxious. (did i make you anxious? uergh)

"Hey, Jiwoon hyung," Mathew says again softly, making Jiwoong's heart beats faster.

"Uhm.. so, what were you doing just now? I wasn't disturbing you, right? I'm sorry if I did! It's just that-" He was cutted off by Mathew who giggles cutely at Jiwoong's sudden rambles.

"Hyung, do you wanna meet up?"

That was Jiwoong's last straw.

"Where you at?" Jiwoong swiftly ends the call and takes up his jacket and car keys, immediately moving to the said place.

After about 10 minutes in the car with Jiwoong nibbling his lips out of anxiousness, he finally arrived at the place he missed so badly - Matthew's house.

He rings the doorbell and waits for someone to open it. So that's what Matthew did, opening the door to welcomed in Jiwoong but as soon as it was opened, he was engulfed in a hug by Jiwoong.

Jiwoong keeps on muttering 'sorry' to Matthew that confused the latter. Matthew pushes Jiwoong's shoulder to get him off himself and looks at the taller one in the eye with genuined concerned, "Hyung, why are you sorry?" He asks softly, it breaks his heart once he noticed the tears brimming on the edge of Jiwoong's eyelid.

"I-I'm sorry Matthew.. I should've known that it would make you feels uncomfortable. It was a shitty idea to go public after so many years of dating, right? I'm sorry Matthew b-but can we please get back together? I-I can't seem to live without you! For the past weeks, all that I could think about was you, Matthew. You runs in my head for 24/7."

"Won't that make me tired?" Jiwoong looks at Matthew seriously before bursting into a laughter at the sudden question. "Seriously, Matthew. Please! Can I be your boyfriend again? It can be a private relationship, I can wait for all you want this time, please!"

Matthew takes Jiwoong to his living room, making the both of them to sit nicely on the soft couch. "Hyung, listen to me. I should be the one who is sorry," Jiwoong was about to protested but Matthew held a finger to his lips to shut him up.

"We've been together for the past 3 years. I know that you didn't like the fact that it was a private relationship because you wanted to tell the world that you are dating me," at that, Jiwoong nods his numerous times seriously, "And when I agreed to that, I didn't think of much about it. But I didn't regret anything, you aren't the reason why I felt so down during those days."

Jiwoong looks at Matthew confusedly, "Actually, I've been getting.. a lot of threats from your fans. Many of them was not fond of the ideas of me dating you and at that time, when I asked you to broke up with me, it was solely because I was afraid, afraid that they might do something to you just to get me not be with you."

"Matthew why didn't you tell me this..."

"I know! It was stupid of me to think that'll be the solution! Communications are always the key to a healthy relationship, and I failed to realize that. What I regret the most was the past weeks when I couldn't be with you! My friend Taerae has been trying to make me cheer up all the time and I started to feel bad for him so I faked it. I was so down when I couldn't have you to myself so Jiwoon hyung?"

"Yes?" Jiwoong timidly reply, not minding the way Matthew pronounced his name wrong. That makes him cuter.

"I'll allowed you to be with me again." Jiwoong eyes lit up as he once again, embraced Matthew in a loving hug. They stay in that position before letting each other go.

Jiwoong was smiling brightly as he held Matthew's shoulder, looking deep inside his eyes before attacking the latter with pecks all over his face.

Matthew giggles, feeling ticklish when he stops, feeling a lips over his own. Once he realized, he closes his eyes and accept it, moving it along with the other. It was only a short kiss though before they continue to hug again.

Jiwoong bounces on his seat while hugging the life out of Matthew while Matthew just smiles, feeling halpy once again.

He was fortunately able to talk it out with Jiwoong after having a deep talk with his best friend, Taerae. Taerae had made him realized something that he couldn't done by himself.

"Wait, so do you want it private or public?" The older asks, suddenly feeling nervous as he bites his lips.

"Public! I'm gonna show the girls that you're mine to begin with and they have not a single chance to be with you as long as I'm here!" Matthew replies enthusiastically.

Jiwoong smiles again and just hold his hands, interwining it together in his.

That day, Jiwoong spend the night together with Matthew, just cuddling each other to death.

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