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"Yujin, don't run!" Hanbin shouted, running after the younger boy who straight up run to the beach after getting the permission from his hyung.

Yujin ignored his words and continue running then jump straight into the water. He pushed back his wet hair with a big smile on his face.

"Gyuvin hyung! Come here quickly!" He calls out. Gyuvin quickly puts down the rolled mats he brought with him and throw it on the sand before jumping into the water, splashing some to Yujin.

"Gyuvin! Look what you did!" Ricky scolds him lightly, taking the thrown mat in the sand then unrolled it and laid it down nicely before tucking in the huge umbrella so he could sat there nicely while enjoying the sounds of the wave hitting without getting his beautiful fair skin burned down by the Sun.

He was soon joined by Zhang Hao who sat next to him with a sunglasses on, his legs crossed and his body leaning on both his arm that are holding his very own weight.

"Waa, this is so refreshing," Zhang Hao mutters under his breath and Ricky hums to agree. Sooner than later, another figure joins them, sitting on the other side of Ricky wearing a whole ass clothing that cover her whole body. She also have a sunglasses hanging on the bridge of her nose, her hairs braided nicely.

"Damn, you really hate the Sun." Ricky commented with a snicker. Jiyun looks at him through her sunglasses and shrugs it off. The three of them enjoy the beach just by sitting there while watching the others play in the water aggresively.

Ricky and Zhang Hao then starts gossiping in Chinese while Jiyun just listens to it, occasionally adding a few comments. Her eyes didn't leave the others and that's when she notices that the group of wet beast that are slowly walking towards them with a wicked grin on their faces.

"Uh oh. I think y'all are in danger," she says making the other two stops conversing with each other to look at her confusedly before turning their heads at the direction she was looking at.

The wet beasts then start sprinting towards them making the other two scared for their life when Gyuvin and Hanbin start lifting them off the ground and run into the beach with the two chinese in their arms. Zhang Hao and Ricky scream out loud, holding onto their partner tightly before being thrown into the water with them.

"Gyuvin!" Ricky scolds him, hitting him on the shoulder while Gyuvin laughs his ass off at the reaction while Hanbin was running away from Zhang Hao who are chasing him with a slipper in his hand, which they don't even know when he grabbed it.

Jiyun was laughing so hard on the mat, wiping the tears that comes out of her eyes as she couldn't control her laugh. That was until she notices many more wet beast walking towards her.

"Don't you dare." She threatens them but they could care less. Yujin and Gunwook starts lifting her body while she struggles to let go from their grip and before she could even protests for some more, she was already thrown into the water.

She gasped for air as soon as she gets up and immediately chase after Yujin. She then jumps on his back and dunk his head aggressively into the water. The others starts distancing themselves from the the twin who are lowkey trying to murder each other.

At some point, the two starts grabbing on each other hairs harshly.

"How could you threw me?!"

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