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The sounds of clicking utensils fills up the dining room as the two family sit through their dinner in silence. By the end of the table, there sat Kim Minseok, the grandfather of the twins and Gyuvin.

On the left side, sat Kim Seojin, the eldest son, the father of Kim Gyuvin while on the right side, sat Kim Seol Yoon, the second daughter aka Yujin's and Jiyun's mother.

"How's the wedding preparation going so far?" Minseok says, making the others to turn their attention to him. Yujin slopped down, feeling sad whenever the topic was brought up while Jiyun and Gyuvin simultaneously roll their eyes.

"Pretty good. Everything has been doing well, father." Seol Yoon replied while smiling. "Good. I know that I can trust my daughter with this. I'm growing old each days and I wanted to at least sees one of my grandchildren to get married in front of my eyes. The business partner you set Yujin up with was a good choice."

"Seojin, what about Gyuvin? Have you find anyone to pair him up with?" The mentioned male stops in his track of slicing the thick meat of steak and looks up. He then glances at his son who looks down upon hearing that.

Gyuvin's grandfather had yet to know about Gyuvin being gay and already has a boyfriend. His parents accepted him but told him that it would be better if he didn't tell his grandfather nor his aunt and uncle about it.

"Uhm, not yet father. I don't wanna pair my son with just anyone. I want my son to married anyone he loves." Seojin responded.

Yujin had always been jealous of Gyuvin for having such a great family even though they are cousins. His parents had always sets up the expectations onto him and Jiyun, the goals that they have to complish rather than letting them do whatever they wanted.

"Jiyun-ah? How's school? Doing good? Have you got back the results of your recent exams?" His grandfather says next, changing his target.

"Oh, not yet. I think I did good just like how I did before." Jiyun replies simply, not looking at the old man as she was uninterested in the topic.

That's how their life are like. They expected Yujin to married the daughter from some good company and do businesses while they expected Jiyun to be a successful lawyer. Life has been tough for the two of them the moment they were born in that family.

The family members walk away from the dining room after finished eating. Gyuvin drags his two cousins to his room and the two just follow along.

"Are you seriously just gonna married that bitch?" Gyuvin asks, directing his question to Yujin, as soon as they walked in.

"Well, I have no other choices, do I?" Yujin says sadly, accepting his reality.

"Have you ever talked it out with your parents?" Gyuvin asks again, looking sadly at the two youngers who seemed so down.

"We did. They wouldn't listen to us even one bit," Jiyun rolls her eyes, crossing her arms over her chest as she said it.


"Mother, what are you motives in this? Why are you making the decisions for our life?" Jiyun gritted her teeth, holding in her anger as she looked at her mother with so much hatred.

"We're only doing the best for you and your future. Why are you being ungrateful Jiyun?" Her father replied sternly instead of her mother.

"What's the point of having a great future if we're not enjoying life? If we're not happy about it? You know, why can't you two just be like aunt and uncle, letting us do whatever we wanted freely instead of controlling us around?!" She slammed her hands on the table, standing up making the chair behind her screeched loudly.

"Enough Han Jiyun!" Her mother yelled back, glaring at her. Yujin sat beside her, slightly shaking at the sudden raise of voices.

"No! I won't stay quiet when you're about to ruin my brother's life by marrying him off to some whore who doesn't deserved him!"

A hand suddenly came in contact with Jiyun's cheek, the hard push making her head threw to the side as a bruise started to form there.

"You have yet to understand our points here. We only wanted the best for you two. Go to your room, now!" Her mother demanded, sitting back at her seat as if she didn't just slapped her own daughter.

Jiyun looked at both her parents with a slightly teared eyes and pulled Yujin with her to their room. Considering that it was already nighttime, she wouldn't want to stray outside which leave her with no choice other than staying in her room.

"Yun-ie, are you okay? Does it hurt? You don't have to do all that. I'm okay with mother's and father's decision." Yujin said as he softly rubbed the other's cheek, making Jiyun hissed a little from the contact.

"No, I'll defend you with my whole life. You're my twin, we were from the same womb so do you really think I wouldn't know how much you were hurting? You think I wouldn't know that you secretly cried in your room when you thought everyone was sleeping? No, I will keep protesting for you. I wouldn't let some cheap whore like Seo Yoon get to be with you."

The two were immediately engulfed in a hug, a very warm one. Although she was born only 2 minutes earlier than him, she was always the matured one. The one who always take care of him. In front of other, they might think that the two only fight and argue with each other every day but only they know about the times when Jiyun comforted Yujin when he fell amd scraped his knees at the park, when Yujin's dinosaur toys broke then Jiyun lended him all of her toys, when Jiyun showered him with compliments that he couldn't get from his parents. He always feel at ease by having his twin by his side.

And now, their parent are trying separate the inseparable twins.

End of flashback

Gyuvin bursts out in tears as he pulls the two in a hug after listening to what happened. He had always been the parental figure of the two although being only one year older and the two are extremely grateful for him.

"My babies.." He cries out loudly as the two simply tap his back, trying to comfort the older.

"A sleepover at my apartment?" He suddenly asks, looking at them with tears and hopes filling inside. The two nod with a smile and they continue to hug each other, Gyuvin's bigger body embracing their much smaller body.

That night, they spend it together in Gyuvin's apartment along with Ricky since they practically live together now.

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