New start!

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I woke up by hearing the noise of two bitches. Ah shit I meant I heard my buddies. I went out of my room and saw them talking about some sort of things. I don't know what they were talking about I was so sleepy but I can see the clock and it was really like freaking 6.00 am in the morning and these shits are quarreling..

George:- What the hell guys! It's 6 in the morning and you guys are fighting like to bitches.

Rachel: What the fuck? Us? Fighting? Huh!? 

Ashley: We would never. We are celebrating. Should we tell him? 

Rachel: Yeah! I guess. I trust him.

George: What are you celebrating this early in the morning? 

Ashley: Actually, Rachel has another secret sort of account in which she posts her sketches and now it has crossed 10k. 

George: Oh! I guess I already knew it. 

Rachel: Wait! How? 

George: When you posted first art , your signature was very similar when we used to play like we were in office. I still remember. 

Ashley: Oh man! Cool. 

Rachel: Fine now shut your mouth and don't tell anyone. 

I looked at the clock now it is not half past 6. It was my time to wake up. My precious sleep was ruined by them. I complained to them and asked them to get fresh and get ready for the first day. We all went to our respective room and freshen up. I already came out and these two were taking so much time to come out. Till then I make the breakfast for us. They came outside I guess it was 7.05. I arranged the dishes on the table and then they finally came out. 

Rachel: Woah! You made breakfast.

Ashley: PANCAKES!!!!! 

George: Yeah! Now eat it. 

We all were eating while discussing the childhood memories. I guess Ashley and Rachel were waiting for someones text to come. They were checking there phone again and again. 

George: Listen! I will leave first after ten minutes you guys also leave. You both go to homeroom teacher Mrs Linda. She will give you your schedule and your locker room and please stay away from Matthew and Caleb. 

Rachel: Fine my Dad!! 

Ashley : Don't Lecture us.

I went from the dorm. 


George left from the dorm. I took the dishes and kept them in sink. With the help of Ashley I washed it. Suddenly both of our phone got a notification and hell yes it was from our boyfriends. We both texted them and had a little chit chat. It was already 10 minutes and we left too. The dorms were on the top floor. We came down and searched or teacher's room. We both were walking from the corridor. Everyone was looking at us. I don't know why. I get anxious whenever people stare me like that I looked at Ashley and she nodded to assure that it's okay. We went to the teacher's room. 

Ashley: May we come in? 

Teacher: Yes! 

Ashley: Sir actually we are finding Mrs. Linda. 

Teacher: Oh okay. She is there.( pointing towards Mrs. Linda ) And call me Mr. Maxwell. 

Rachel: Okay Mr. Maxwell. Thank you. Have a nice day. 

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