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disclaimer : 

This story has no intentions of offending anyone the artists nor the readers . This work is purely fiction and made for entertainment and has no relation with the artists personal life or character.


the story:

xxx restaurant. 7:45 pm, that night. 

 Jyp's Pov:

I enter the lavish restaurant. The whole floor booked by our family. I was early since I didn't want to risk being late. I decide to go outside the dining hall and go to the resto-bar situated in the balcony of the same floor I was quite early anyway. Entering the open space, a gentle breeze caressed the features of my face. I ordered a drink with minimal alcohol content—I didn't want to get too intoxicated. Settling myself in the corner I get welcomed by a view I never needed to witness at that moment.

There he was, my biggest competitor, Yang Hyun Suk. He was the only businessman who even dared to compete with me. I mean he was immensely talented. He was those rare businessmen who actually had a lot of talent in the field. Though I admired him a lot, I always saw him as a rival. We often had to work together, and I had realized we had a lot in common, but we'd never really thought about being friends.

He was.

He was talking to Bang. Si Hyuk seemed to have been enjoying the conversation. His eyes were shining and was laughing. Oh, his smile. How I wish I could have been the cause of his giggles. Yang had his arms around Si Hyuk and that seemed to have hit a nerve. I felt something in mee wanting to pull Hyuk away from him and-

WAIT! I come out of my reverie my eyes horror filled. Where was my train of thoughts leading to? Why was I feeling all these emotions? Why were certain emotions i wanted lock away in the pit of my heart resurfacing that too for someone like-

 someone like- HIM?!

Naur way. No way. HAHA. That must have been the alcohol taking a toll on my brain.

 I took a deep breath and decided to feel with a heavy feeling rising in my chest. I go back to the dining hall and place myself on a chair massaging my temples. Not a minute later Si Hyuk comes in giving me a smug smirk. Thats when the door to the hall opens yet again, this time both of our families coming in. 

I stand up to greet them and sit back down. Our parents then force Hyuk to sit next to me so that we could "talk and bond". Yeah, that's definitely NOT happening. 

Everyone else seats themselves down and orders whatever their mouths wanted to taste. 

Si Hyuk stares at me for a while which was starting to irritate me. I glare at him to which he responds with a silly lopsided smile. He seemed to know something. He was hinting at it.

"I think we need to talk. Don't you?" he whispers.

"No." I reply.

"Well, I definitely do, and I do not give 2 shits about if you want to or not." he says with sass dripping from his voice.

I roll my eyes at him, and he replies with a teasing smile for which I roll my eyes again.

The food arrives. It made my mouth water but before we could start eating my father had an important announcement to make. He said Si hyuk would be moving to my place so that we could spend time together and understand each other before we got married. "HOW COULD ME LIFE GET ANY WORSE!?"

Si hyuk seemed to be having an inaudible argument with his father using their orbs glaring at each other until Si hyuk let out a sigh which seemed like a sigh of defeat.

We were both hopeless. Caged by the expectations of people. The expectations on our shoulders weighing us down and having nothing to do about it. Living a life with no trace of happiness, filled with fakeness and the need to be perfect.

The dinner was finally over, and I had long forgotten about my miserable life. Bang had a humorous family and they helped me take my mind off things for a while. 

We were now outside together. Me and him. Waving at our families and wishing them a happy journey back home.

"What did you want to talk about?" I ask him, tucking my fingers in the pocket of my pants. 

end of ep 8

This is the longest chapter I wrote for this series TT 

hope it makes up for the long wait I had to put y'all through-

I'll be updating often from now on!!

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