46 3 2

disclaimer :

This story has no intentions of offending anyone the artists nor the readers. This work is purely fiction and made for entertainment and has no relation with the artists personal life or character.

I apologize for all the errors I've made while writing this episode, grammatical and spellings I request you to ignore them for a better experience. 


song recommendation pooks!


the story :

Bangpd pov :

*My eyes lock with one of the most beautiful pair of orbs I had ever seen.*

"Park Jin-Young." he says forwarding his hand for me to shake.

"Bang Si-Hyuk." I say shaking his forwarded hands.

*I cut off our staring challenge my moving my eyes away to get a good look at his face. Familiarity washes over me. He looked so familiar I thought. Thats when it dawned upon me Park Jin-Young, The name, The face and the eyes. How could I take so much time to recognize him? My excellent, sharp brain was capable of more than just this. I think before starting to speak again once he sat himself comfortably on the luxurious armchair. *

"Jin-Young? " I say.
"It's your favorite man, Bang. How could you forget?" He says a smirk creeping upon his lips. 

"Favorite man?" I scoff. "You'd dream about it, Park" I shut him off.
"TMI darling, I do dream of you. And you do not want to know what I dream off. He says still smirking.

"Honestly. I sigh rolling my eyes. Who do you even think you are, Park?" I complete.

"Your to-be fiancé, darling-

"You're not the only one deciding that sweetheart" I cut him off smiling at him.

*His smirk leaves his face which get replaced my his "infamous" no-emotion coldass face. He leans forward before speaking again*

"What do you want to eat?" he questions with a rather calmer expression now.

*I take a look at the menu and flip over its pages before picking something to eat. I order a steak with some salad and fried chicken before I looked back at his 'annoyingly handsome' face to know what he'd be ordering. He calls the waiter and tell him my order before he spoke out his order which was some pasta with wine and mashed potatoes. His choice of food wasn't bad i thought before I realized I was thinking absolute nonsense. *

"So, about why we are here-" he says.

"Yes, so let me make my part clear I AM not one bit interested in getting married least being in a relationship or liking someone. To me, work comes as my first priority, and I was clearly forced to be here because if I weren't you'd be all alone here because I ditched my date knowing it was someone as stupid as you." I complete after I had cut him off.

He looked at me confused and surprised as if he was only digesting everything, I had just told him. "ME?! STUPID?!! your delusional bae." He speaks.
" Did you just ignore everything else I said and put me telling the truth about you as the topic to talk here? because this is utterly pathetic of your narcissistic ass." I say, his behavior getting on my nerves every passing second.

He rolls his eyes. "If me caring about me bothers you so much, why don't you just leave?!" He speaks.

I sigh before saying " Knocking some sense into your non-existent brain, Park. If I just leave both of us are getting in trouble from our families. For god's sake try to understand that I am trying to save both of us right now."

"Right. So now we both were forced into the marriage with no other option because I believe we both aren't interested in disappointing our parents and how Geeting married keeps them happy but not us. This is such a typical story its funny." Do you mean to say that now we argue with our parents and somehow stop the wedding?" He asks obviously annoyed.

" It won't work, and we both know. Why don't we brainstorm and try once again to convince them? If it doesn't work, we get married." I speak.

"This was surely not an obvious plan." He adds sarcastically. " If we do get married that is it's a contract, I'm fully sure that you are aware of that yourself because I refuse to waste my time and precious life living on earth with an annoying asshole like you."

"You're not the only one thinking that." I mumble rolling my eyes.

" Adios then! I have important things to do."

* I roll my eyes getting up before him walking away because I refuse to look like he just left me there all alone. I look back at him waving and blowing him a kiss and winking because I wanted to annoy him to a point, he actually yeets himself off a cliff and dies. *

end of ep.4

Thank you for the support!!

next part will be out soon (I'll try my best!)

also! the video above is A MUST WATCH because the editing and PARK JIN-YOUNG will MAKE YOU FALL IN LOVE. Which makes me myself wonder why Bang has actually not fallen for him yet (or maybe he has ;P )

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