these feelings?

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This story has no intentions of offending anyone the artists nor the readers. This work is purely fiction and made for entertainment and has no relation with the artists personal life or character. I apologize for all the errors I've made while writing this episode, grammatical and spellings I request you to ignore them for a better experience.

the story:

Jyp Pov:


I whisper yell looking at my reflection showing my features clearly. What am I?! A 13-year-old teenager in love?! UGh! curse my fate this shit gives me a headache I thought.

I come up one solution to deal with all these feeling and thoughts I barely ever had in my life.


I decide to sleep. It was the one thing that could save me now. But I was wrong yet again. I lie down on my bed only for my mind to completely take over with the thoughts of 'him'. I go through my high school memory lane my mind zooming upon on every conversation I could remember. He was quite good looking back then but not exactly my type but the man he has grown into now was EXACTLY my type. I could not stop thinking about him.

none's Pov:

The entire night goes on with both the men turning and twisting on their luxurious beds. Sleep ditches their body and leaves them to deal with the inner turmoil which keeps getting worse day by day.

Jyp Pov:

I wake up. Tiredness taking me over whole. I barely slept and I believed that itself as a whole could make my day a lot worse until I get a call from my parents. I groan in disbelief. What is wrong with my life. I take a deep breath massaging my temples before I pick up the call. 

Jyp: Appa! Hello. What happened? I ask from my side of the line knowing well aware that nothing had happened and all they wanted to talk about was me and si-hyuk's wedding.

Jyp's Appa: Hello son! You're up early. I and your eomma thought you wouldn't pick up.

Anyway, theres nothing wrong. The bang's had called us earlier this morning they wanted to have a family dinner with all of us and si-hyuk's grandparents are going to be there. I let grandma and grandpa know and they decided to join in. It's been a long time, I guess. A dinner with their family.

So, I want you to reach XXX restaurant by 8. sharp 8 mind you.

Jyp: I am punctual, Appa. You know that too well yourself. Don't worry. I'll be there on time. I say wishing them goodbye before ending the call.

^ xxx restaurant. 7:45 pm, that night.

Jyp's Pov:

I enter the lavish restaurant. The whole floor booked by our family. I was early since I didn't want to risk being late. I decide to go outside the dining hall and go to the resto-bar situated in the balcony of the same floor I was quite early anyway. Entering the open space with a gentle breeze flowing through the features of my face I make my way to the bar to get some champagne. I couldn't get too drunk, so I go with a drink with very less alcohol content. Settling myself in the corner I get welcomed by a view I never needed to witness at that moment. 

end of ep.7



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