Tabitha: Chapter 1

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I'm exhausted, but I can't fall asleep. I'm lying in my dark dorm room with my eyes wide open, staring at the wall. I have a long travel day tomorrow and I should have been asleep hours ago. My packed bags are at the end of my bed, ready for my early wake-up and to start my way home for winter break. If I had a choice, I wouldn't be leaving at all. My dad will be away for work like usual and my stepmother probably won't even notice I'm home.

Not that college is so great, but it's better than being home. My mother died when I was four and my dad remarried when I was eleven. Jenna is only a little younger than my father at thirty-eight but looks even younger. 

When you look at her, there's no doubt why my father married her. She is a stunning brunette, 5'8" classically beautiful with an hourglass figure. She wasn't the motherly type, but she wasn't the classic evil stepmother either. The first few years were awkward, but fine. Nothing really changed. Jenna was just an extra person living in our home. 

The trouble came when I was thirteen. People would comment on how we looked alike, assuming she was my birth mother. To me, she was too beautiful to be my mother, so these polite compliments felt like cruel jokes. I was this awkward, shy girl who suddenly had to listen to every boy at school talk about how hot my mom was. I hated it and I took it out on her. I refused any offer of motherly guidance and eventually, she stopped trying. 

Jenna was nice enough but mostly ignored me and my bratty tantrums. She never wanted to be a mother and I think I was something she just put up with to be with my father and the comfortable lifestyle he could give her. When I was angry with her as a kid, I would call her a gold digger, but she would just smirk like she was proud of the designation. It drove me crazy that I couldn't get under her skin. 

My last year at home, Jenna and I had an unspoken truce. Polite avoidance. I was a late bloomer and growing into my own style, finally comfortable with my body. I was always described as cute growing up, but that last year at home I learned to tame my strawberry blonde hair, turning it from a frizzy mess into sleek, shiny curls that complimented my brown eyes. I started to dress for my thin 5'6" frame in a way that accentuated my slight curves instead of trying to hide them. The new attention from boys was heady and I couldn't wait to see what college had in store for me.

College hasn't been what I expected. I wanted to be free and explore, but it hasn't been everything I hoped it would be. I made friends and screwed around with some boys, but the deep, meaningful connections I was looking for never developed. It's been strangely lonely. 

I hear the door to the room creak open, whispers and giggles filling the silence. 

"Shhh, we have to be quiet." I recognize the voice as my roommate, Olivia. I had this fantasy before arriving at college of becoming best friends with my roommate, but that never really worked out for me. 

Olivia was tall and slim, with dark brown hair and golden brown eyes. Her skin was a deep tan, and she was gorgeous. When I walked into my dorm room that first day and was confronted by her model good looks, I became tongue-tied. She was polite and clean, the perfect roommate, but so intimidating. I think my shy, reserved nature around her stopped her from looking for a true friendship with me. She tried at first, but I would get so flustered around her, blushing bright red and tight-lipped. 

I'm annoyed by the noise at first, thinking Olivia snuck a boy into our room. I wouldn't mind normally, but this will make falling asleep even harder. I wish I'd grabbed my AirPods from my desk before climbing into bed. 

"Come here." The door closes behind them, the light coming in from the window revealing the dark outline of two bodies heading towards Olivia's bed across from me. 

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