Chapter Forty-Six: Snakes and Eagles

Start from the beginning

"Do you really think Clopton would admit he lost?"

"Fair. But why didn't you?"

The Slytherin Captain sighed. "Because I knew how much you liked Aurelia. And I knew your brother had probably already yelled at you about it. Besides, in the end it didn't really matter because it didn't go towards the actual season points."

The memory of Sebastian screaming at her after that particular game almost made Anne laugh. "He was so angry."

"Oh, I bet he was. Your brother is competitive."

"Aren't we all?"

Anne saw a small grin threaten to breach Imelda's lips. "We're Slytherins. Of course we are. But Anne, do I have your word?"

"You do," Anne nodded earnestly. "Besides, if I pull the same stunt again, Aurelia may actually kill me." As she said that, another thought crept into her mind. "What about Pucey?"

At the mention of his name, Imelda sighed again. "I don't know. I'm worried it would hurt our chances if I bench him. It would put us a player short–"

"Sebastian can take care of it!"

"--And his family are high profile. The Puceys have actually helped to fund the quidditch team. Professor Black wouldn't like it at all if I benched him."

"But if it's to protect your team, wouldn't it be worth it? Besides, imagine being a player short and still beating Clopton."

That finally made Imelda smile. "Oh, he would hate that."

The girls laughed at the thought together. Anne couldn't wait to see the broken look on Everett's face when he lost.

"Anyway, we still have practice tonight. Make sure you're here after all your classes."

Anne stood up. "I won't miss it."

Anne met up with Aurelia after practice on her way to dinner. "So I was thinking," she began as she took Aurelia's hand. "When I win this weekend–"

"Excuse me?" Aurelia eyed her girlfriend. "What do you mean 'when'?"

"I mean when I win the Quidditch Cup."

"Oh right, because you think you're going to win?"


Aurelia scoffed playfully. "You are ridiculous."

Anne nudged her again. "Anyway, I was thinking we should make another bet."

"Oh?" Aurelia looked back at her with an obvious look of curiosity on her face. "You mean you're tired of carrying my books?"

"Aura, as much as I enjoy carrying all twenty of your books at one time, I was thinking something with a bit more... impactful."

Aurelia smiled. "Do tell."

The Slytherin girl stopped them right before they walked into the Great Hall, wrapping her arms around Aurelia's waist as she pulled her closer. "How about a broom?"

The red-haired girl raised her eyebrows.

"A new broom."

Aurelia chuckled. "You want to buy me a broom?"

Anne smiled. "Don't be ridiculous. I want you to buy me a broom."

Aurelia laughed. "Well, if that's all at stake then I can't wait to show you which racing broom I want from Spintwitches."

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