Chapter 25

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I woke up quite early. Jaycob wasn't awake. I didn't have my watch with me so I didn't know what time it was. I looked at the sky. It was somewhat orange, and the sun hadn't risen yet. I hope that he wakes up in time for us to witness the sunset, I thought.

Then my mind raced with thoughts about yesterday. That was amazing. Then I remembered what he said. I made a mental image of it:

"Oh, you haven't seen it all, trust me."

I hadn't seen it all? Seemed pretty weird, honestly. Is he thinking about...?

I then thought about one word. Innocent. How innocent we were. Would that change? And how?

But, as always, I was probably overthinking things...

I looked at the sky once again. The sun was about to rise. I looked at Jaycob expectantly. Then I saw his head move a little bit. I think he's gonna yawn. I quickly looked away, as if not to seem weird. Then, seemingly out of nowhere, he pulled me closer. "Nah, Emma. Look at me for as long as you want," he said as he stared into my eyes lovingly as I did the same thing to him.

"Good morning..." I said to him. Maybe he's just tired? "Morrrniiiiinnggg," he said, smirking. "What... what have you got up your sleeve, Jaycob?" He looked at me for a moment. "Birth control pills," he said sarcastically. My heart practically jumped out of my chest, and I didn't detect the sarcasm at first. "Oh my god!" I screamed. "What?" I asked. "You do notice the sarcasm, right?" he asked. "Oh.. um.. yeah."

It was giving Caleb, and I didn't like it.

"Jaycob... what's actually in your pocket?" I asked worriedly. He looked at me innocently, trying to mask it. "Nothin," he said. I quickly snuck my hand into his pocket and took out something. "What's this?"

A very sloppy written note.

"Jaycob, I want you back, pleaseee I need you."

"Jaycob! This is from Kermina?" He nodded sheepishly. "I didn't wanna tell you because you would be like oh how did she give this to you and stuff." I shook my head. "Jaycob... you can confide in me in anything... what's up?" I asked. "You sure?" he asked for confirmation. I nodded. "Oh, of course, Jaycob!"

"Ok, so basically Emma, last night she came and left a note, I saw the shadow of her giving it to me in my pocket, and I crumpled it up because it was like trash to me."

"Oh, okay," I said.

"What, you thought it was something else?" he asked, his gaze darkening, and he smirked.

"Nah... I just got worried, Jaycob, because you seemed worried. I never want you to be worried!"

He smiled. "Aw... it's ok, Emma."

Then I looked up to the sky. "Jaycob, look! The sun... it's rising!" I said, pointing to the sky. "Oh, wow!" he said.

We stared at the mesmerizing sky, our hands held together. Then I looked at Jaycob expectantly. Should I ask him?

I remembered back to when I had first met Jaycob and he didn't want to tell me anything. Would he trust me now?

"Hey... Jaycob... can I ask you something?" I asked worriedly. He nodded. "Of course, Emma! You can ask me anything?" Then his gaze darkened a little bit. "Somethin wrong?"

"Well, Jaycob, how were things with Kermina? If you don't wanna tell me, that's fine, I know that stuff makes you kinda..."

"...uncomfortable," I finished, whispering at this point.

"Well.. ok," he said. "We were happy with each other but she started cheating on me...."

"Is it okay if I ask with who?" I asked. "Yeah, that's fine," he said. "You probably wouldn't know who this is, but it was an ugly kid. I honestly don't know why she cheated on me..." he said, his voice fading.

"No way! My ex cheated on me too... but with two girls."

His eyes widened. "Damn. Really?" he asked, shocked. I nodded. "Yes... Isabelle and Jazcelin."

"I hate how that feels," he said, sympathizing as the sun was fully risen now.

I sighed.

Then my phone started to ring. "Huh?" we both said at basically the same time.

"Attention: Spring break is ending early to compensate for snow days, because there were a few earlier in the year, if you remember. So make sure to take your kids to school tomorrow, March 26th!"

"Are you kidding me?" he said angrily. "Ugh, come on!" I said, rolling my eyes.

"We gotta make the most of today!" I said. "Yeah... but what do we do?" he asked.


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