Chapter 17

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I didn't wake up to my alarm, but instead to Jaycob. I felt his hands playing with my hair and woke up. "Hey!" He smiled. "Hi, Emma! Do you have clothes with you for picture day, or do you need some from me?" I thought about it for a moment. I forgot. Did I bring my own clothes? Guess I'll have to check. "Hold on, lemme check," I said. He nodded. "Alright."

I checked in my little purse. Oh, okay, yes. I do. "Yeah, I do, Jaycob! Do you want me to go to get changed first?" He nodded. "Sure."

I walked inside with my clothes. Once I got to putting on my dress, I looked in the mirror. Oh my god! I look horrible! Over my whole body, there were hand marks made by Tyler. I can't go to school looking like this! I held up my dress. It's pretty, and red, and it's nice. But it shows my shoulders and a bit of my chest. How will people react to the marks on my body? And then I remembered: I should embrace it. I shouldn't let people judge me.

I put on the dress with new confidence and left the room. Jaycob covered his eyes and then went in to change. I waited patiently on his couch. When he walked out, his eyes were still closed. "Ok, ready?" I asked. He nodded.

We opened our eyes. Damn, he looks like a movie star! Oh my god! Looking at me, he gazed in awe. "You're beautiful! Emma, you're gorgeous! The prettiest girl I've ever seen!" he said, smiling and hugging me. I smiled. "And you're so handsome!" He blushed. "Oh, um, thanks."

I looked at the time. "Oh my gosh, we'll be late for school! It's 8:35!" Jaycob's eyes widened. "We should hurry!"

We both practically sprinted out the door. We must've looked pretty crazy; a pretty girl in a red dress and some handsome boy with a suit, randomly running on the sidewalk. Luckily, we reached school just in time. It was 8:39. "Ok, Jaycob, bye! I'll see you later for when we take pictures!" He smiled. "Yep, of course!"

I walked to the seventh graders. They all looked at me like I was an idiot. Caleb was laughing his ass off and pointing. "What the fuck is that all over you?" he yelled so loud that everyone could hear. "I got raped. It is not a joke," I said, walking away and curling up into a ball. Spiders gathered in my stomach.

Maryam approached me. "What's that?" I sighed. "Want the long story or short story?" I asked. "Give me as much detail as you can," she said. "Alright. So basically remember when Princia's ex, Tyler, wanted to rape me? You know, the 15 year old high schooler? Blonde hair, brown eyes." She nodded. "Me and Jaycob were just, you know, chilling, hanging out, and then Tyler came in. So I hid under the bed. But Tyler found me, unfortunately. He locked me in the closet and raped me. Luckily, Jaycob busted open the door with his fist. He.. saved me."

She took it in for a second. "He raped you?" I nodded. "Yes." Her eyes widened. "Wow. Yeah. I can see all of the hand marks on you." I frowned. "Yeah, and today's picture day! My picture will be ruined!" I said. "Well, I mean... your dress is pretty, and your hair, oh, and your lips!" I smiled. "Thanks!"

Throughout the day, the teachers had mixed reactions. Mr. F asked what it was, and I kinda dismissed it. Mrs. Colon didn't notice. Mrs. Farber asked, and Mrs. Martin didn't. So, overall, two teachers cared about my health. Pretty disappointing. But, of course, the main event would happen at the end of the day. The pictures.

Well, the time has come. It's 2:30. Time to meet Jaycob. "Mr. F?" He nodded. "Yes?" I hesitated for a moment, thinking I was gonna embarrass myself, but I said, "Can I please go to take pictures with one of my friends?" He tilted his head. "Who's this friend that you have in mind?" I paused. Everyone in the room looked at me as if I had two heads, five mouths, and a tail. If anything, they're the weirdos. "Jaycob." He nodded. "Alright. Jacob Garsis or Jaycob Santos?" he asked. "Jaycob Santos," I answered. "Sure, just don't take too long. It's almost time for dismissal, don't forget. Though we'll still wait for you."

I nodded. "Alright!" I said, my face burning with embarrassment. Everyone looked at me as I closed the door. Jeez!

I practically sprinted to the tech room. Where is he? I thought, frantically looking for him. My adrenaline was pumping. Where is he?

Then I found him, patiently waiting inside. "Hey! Glad you could make it," he said. "Looking beautiful, as always." I blushed. "Awww, thanks so much, and you look so handsome!" He blushed a little bit too. He never blushes. Wow.

The photographer asked us, "Would you like to take a picture together first, or what?" I stepped up. "I'll go first. Then him, and then we can take a group pic. Sound okay?" I said to Jaycob. He nodded.

I stepped in, and posed the way he told me to. "Relax your shoulders. Lift your head. Smile a bit more. Ehhh, nah, a bit less. Ooh, that's perfect! No, actually, no. Just... just tilt your head a bit more..."

How long is this going to take? The fuck? I looked at Jaycob for a split second. He was giggling a little bit. Bitch, I thought to myself sarcastically, giggling.

"Ok, you're good. Now, say cheese!" I smiled. "Cheese." He gave a thumbs up. "Alright, you're good. Want the picture?" he asked. "Sure," I replied. I looked at it. Oh, it actually looks ok! Alright. "Jaycob, look!" He blushed. "Oh, my god! You look so beautiful!" he said while walking to the photographer. He winked.

Like me, the photographer told him to move in a number of ways multiple times, but eventually he was able to take his picture. He didn't say cheese. Or smile with his teeth, instead just a regular face with his head tilted up. He showed me the picture proudly. "Oh my god!" Damn, that's hot as fuck. "That's... ah. Wow, I'm practically speechless." He smiled. "Thanks for taking pictures with me, Emma," he said. "Anytime, Jaycob, of course!" I said happily. He hugged me tightly. "Bye Emma, see you at dismissal. Love you," he said. "Love you too," I said, blowing a kiss.

I rushed back to class. 2:49! Just in time! When I got there, Mr. F was lining the classes up. "Oh, Emma! You've made it just in time." I nodded, going to the middle of the line. Everyone looked at me like I was an outsider. And I feel like one.

Caleb's line and my line walked past each other, and Caleb walked right past me. He shoved into me. "BITCH!" I screamed, shoving him with so much force that he ran up the stairs to go and tell Mrs. Martin. Haha. Little idiot. It felt weirdly good. Like I got revenge. Nice!

Running out, I looked for Jaycob. I waited a few minutes patiently. "Hey!" I said. "Hi!" he said. We walked home together, holding hands as usual. "Jaycob, I'm kinda exhausted. When we get home, I think I'll go straight to sleep." He nodded. "Me too... plus, the ring ceremony's tomorrow anyways." My eyes lit up. "Oh, yeah!"

We reached his house. He opened the door and we walked into his room, as usual. We both flopped onto the bed. "Good night, Jaycob. Or, I guess I should say good afternoon?" I said. He giggled. "Yeah, I guess. Good afternoon." Why do we sound so retarted though? I thought to myself, giggling.

I fell asleep by his side.

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