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In the stories we adore, the hero always fights tooth and nail for the one they cherish, their every action fueled by an unwavering devotion. But oh, how bitterly disillusioning reality can be...

In today's world, it seems people discard one another as though their hearts were mere trifles, easily cast aside without a second thought. This harsh truth has pierced me to the core, a pain I'm certain resonates with many of you.

We forge connections, build bonds, and weave our lives together with those we hold dear, only to have it all unravel in an instant. It's as though the very ground beneath our feet gives way, leaving us stranded in a void of disbelief.

I once believed I was someone worth fighting for, or at the very least, not so easily discarded. Yet, the ease with which you uttered those words shattered my world, left me questioning if everything we shared was merely a beautiful illusion...

For if it were genuine, how could you walk away from me as though it were the simplest task in the world?

If what we shared was real, how could you leave me behind without a second glance, as though my presence meant nothing at all?

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