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I don't know about you, but I am an impatient person. I always make sure to be everywhere on time or sometimes earlier, I can't stand being late.
Yet, right now, even though I got early to my doctor's appointment... I'm waiting...

I think there is beauty in waiting... somehow

I have a nice companion right now. An old lady.
As I am a social butterfly, I couldn't sit here and not talk to her and let me tell you something. Older people never cease to amaze me with their stories.

This lady waited her whole life... yet she finds waiting, comforting, and refreshing.
Hearing her story, waiting is truly not that bad...unless we wait for too long and lose our chance.

I think most of us have this problem. Have the inability to wait properly because we are always in a rush.
Our society nowadays is so fast and we don't have time to wait anymore. One click, and we got everything we needed.
We are so busy, and because of this, waiting feels kind of like a punishment....we don't have time, we say.

But waiting is good and beautiful...it forces us to take a break, look around us...fall in love with life again, because life needs time and patience to unravel.

I hope that you will wait more often,  give yourself time to breathe, and enjoy the day.
I hope you fall in love with your life....

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