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Some people cut themselves to stay alive. Some people cut other people from their lives to keep their sanity. But some people cut others to feel alive.

We often notice the cuts on other people's skin and choose to judge or pity them, or even worse bash them about it to others. But we don't see their silent struggle, their despair, and pain...or at least we choose to ignore it...

We notice when people cut others from their lives. We try to figure out why and how...but we don't see the space that is left in their heart after the other is gone...or we are just too cold to care...

We notice all of these "signs", but we ignore the deeper meaning of them...maybe if we cared more, there were fewer cuts in this world.

Some cuts are silent, barely noticeable but deadly to us. The cuts that are carved into our hearts and soul. Nobody cares to try and notice them, but most of us feel them. These cuts bleed a lot, but not with blood, but tears which are the blood of the soul.These cuts may never fade away or heal, yet we tend to carve them into many hearts or even into ourselves with our indifference and coldness, and harsh words.

Our soul is like a mirror that reflects our actions, passions, beliefs, and many more...but the cuts, make our mirror shatter...and in the process, we sometimes lose some parts of us forever.

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