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"You are enough, a thousand times enough" - Atticus

I don't know who might need to hear this, but you are enough, just like Atticus said.

I know what it's like to feel like you're not good enough like you don't measure up to the standards set by society or by yourself. I've been there, and it's a painful place to be. 

But I want you to know that you are worthy and valuable just as you are, right now at this moment.

It's easy to get caught up in the pursuit of external validation, to believe that our worth is determined by our achievements or our popularity. But that's simply not true. You are enough simply because you exist. Your worth is inherent, and no one can take that away from you.

So please, take these words to heart. Believe that you are enough, and let that belief fuel you to accomplish great things. You are capable of amazing feats when you accept your own worth and power.

Remember: you are enough.

                        You are worth it. And you can move mountains. I believe in you.

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