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Lately, I haven't been able to sleep and eat properly, and it feels as if something is pulling me apart. Although this may sound like the excitement of falling in love, I am far from that feeling. Instead, I am drained and feel as though I am losing control of my life.

In an effort to regain my sense of self and challenge myself, I have decided to give myself a 49-day challenge. During this time, I aim to pull myself together and live my life fully.

I want to achieve more than I have until now, and I have set some goals for myself to achieve during these 49 days. By focusing on personal growth and pushing myself outside of my comfort zone, I am hoping to come out of this challenge feeling renewed and with a newfound sense of purpose.

Although I have been struggling lately, I am determined to use this challenge to propel myself forward. I am excited to see what the next 49 days will bring and am eager to see my progress during this time.

But there's a catch. If I don't succeed, I will disappear...

If I disappear, will you look for me?..

PillowtalkOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora