We'll find a way

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I am so sorry that I haven't posted in a while. I had a huge case of writer's block. But now I have some inspiration. And I have a little more time to write since I am on spring break. If you have already had your break, I hope it went well. And, if you haven't, I hope it goes well. So we'll see how this goes.

Aru's Pov

"And how do you suppose we do that?" Brynne looked at me questionably. "They're up in the sky?"

I frowned. "Can't you just call on the wind gazelles or something?"

Brynne gave me a withering look. "The wind gazelles can only take us to places on earth. Besides, I already used up that ticket, remember?"

I didn't, but I pretended I did.

I rolled my eyes. " FIne, one minute." I took a deep breath, closed my eyes and sat down. Umm, How do I do this? Indira, It's me Aru, Do you think that you could, I don't know, help us? We need to get some help from the Gods. Could you help us get up there? Please? I took another breath and opened my eyes.

Suddenly, the sky broke out in thunder and a staircase made out of clouds descended from the sky and stopped at my feet. I blinked, Looking up at the sky I sent a quick thank you to my soul father. Lighting flashed through the sky as if in a response. I looked back at Brynne and Aiden and said. "Well, what are you waiting for?" And started climbing up the stairs. A few seconds later Brynne called out to me.

"Aru, wait!"

I turned around frowning. They still hadn't climbed onto the stairs.

"What happened?"

"We can't step on the stairs." And to prove it, when Brynne put her foot on the first step, it sank through the step like it wasn't there. As if it were made of (well duh) clouds. I headed back towards them. "Well, what are we going to do?"

"I have an idea." She gently sat Aiden down on the ground, careful not to hurt him. Aiden muttered something that sounded a lot like 'I'm not a baby." I chuckled softly, smiling at him. He blushed and looked away, rubbing a sore spot on his shoulder. I turned to Brynne "What do you have in mind?"

She pointed to the stairs. "Step on them." I did as commanded, slightly confused. Brynne grabbed onto my shoulders and tentatively took a step onto the stairs.

Her feet didn't sink through. And then Brynne let go, just for an instant, she started to sink again. She put her hand on my shoulder, and looked up at me again. "As long as we hold onto you, we float." Brynne stepped off the stairs and went and helped Aiden to his feet. They headed over to me and put a hand on me.

I blushed at the feeling of Aiden's hand on me, but I shook my head slightly, shaking away my thoughts. I looked over at them. "Ready." They both nodded. And together we climbed the stairs. 

Aru Shah and the Land of Lost Hopes and DreamsWhere stories live. Discover now