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I just want you to know that everything that is said to be 'legend' or 'myth' is completely made up. I'm just going off of what I've got in my brain. Don't trust it.

Aru's POV

When I woke up, Aiden wasn't in my room. I sat up blinking the sleep from my eyes. I got up and rushed downstairs. When I got down their Aiden was in the kitchen, cooking. I sighed in relief. He looked over at me startled. "Good morning."

"Good morning, when did you get up?"

"About thirty minutes ago." He frowned and tilted his head slightly. "Did I scare you? I'm so sorry!" I shook my head. "It's ok. As long as you're making me food." I sat down at the table. Aiden smiled and kept on cooking. He just set my plate down when Brynne came bursting into the room with a serious look on her face. She slammed her stuff down on the table, grabbed my plate and started shoveling food into her mouth.

"Hey! That was mine!"

"Not anymore." Brynne turned towards Aiden. "Nice job you've done here. The eggs are nice and fluffy. Could use some salt though." She grabbed the salt shaker and lightly sprinkled the salt onto the eggs. She tried some more. She nodded. "That's better. But this isn't what I came here for."

Brynne set the empty plate down onto the counter, grabbed her bag and started pulling a laptop, a notebook, and a pen out of it. She opened the laptop, entered her password, and started looking for something.

"I've done tons of research and I have found out a few things." She pulled up a site, the article was labeled Indian Myth and Legend. There was what looked like an old hand drawn picture of Trancilla. Under the photo it said, 'Trancilla, what you need to know about her and her history.'

Brynne spoke up. "So according to what I've found online. Trancilla has powers over shadow. She can make anything out of it. Wish sort of explains why we couldn't get into her cave. She must have put up some sort of shadow boundary to keep intruders from getting in." Brynne scrolled a bit farther. "She uses the shadows as weapons, using it to kill people. She is almost virtually unstoppable. But she does have one weakness." Brynne gave me a pointed look.

"What? Do I have something on my face?"

Brynne rolled her eyes. "Come on, Aru! Isn't it obvious? Trancilla is everything dark and lives underground. Your father is the god of the sky! He is her one and only enemy! One of the only ways that we actually have a chance to stop her!"

My eyes widened. It all actually makes a twisted sort of sense. "But wait, what does that have to do with me? I know he is my soul father and everything but.."

You and Vajra are going to be the strongest force against Trancilla. You are going to be our main defense."

If I had been standing I would have nearly collapsed. How could someone like me go up against someone like Trancilla? We barely made it out alive! And on top of that AIden got hurt and Mini... Mini is gone. My thoughts kept racing around in my head. And apparently all of my worry showed because Brynne did something that i have never seen her do before.

She hugged me.

"I know it's a lot. But it is all that we've got so.. I guess we just have to roll with it." I hugged Brynne tighter, shaking slightly. Aiden cleared his throat. When I looked over at him he was fiddling with Shadowfax.

"Well what are we going to do now?"

I took a deep breath and shrugged. "What we always do, I guess."

Aiden raised an eyebrow, with a look that almost seemed like a smirk. "And what is that?"

'We are just going to roll with it. And then save the world in the nick of time."

Aru Shah and the Land of Lost Hopes and DreamsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin