We'll talk about all dis LATER

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Aru's POV

Mini nudged me. "Aru? Are you ready?" I shook my head, trying to shake these thoughts from my head. I nodded. "Yeah, one minute." I shoved a few more packets of swedish fish into my backpack, slung it on my shoulder, and left the room.

As I left the room, I heard Brynne yelling for me. "Come on, Aru! We don't have all day!" I didn't want to start the day out on the wrong side of Brynne, so I hurried downstairs.

The first person I saw was, of course it had to be him, Aiden. He was leaning on the banister, fiddling with shadowfax.  His curly black hair reflected the light from the chandelier above, casting a warm glow around him. I blushed, he looked heavenly. I shook my head, remembering what happened. And kept walking, trying to act like I hadn't seen him. 

He must have heard me because he looked up. It must have been my imagination, but it seemed like his eyes had widened and his jaw had dropped. But it was probably just stupid hopeful wishing.  He swallowed. "You look.."

"Fine?" I cut him off. He winced, looked down and said. "Yeah."

There was a moment of awkward silence before Brynne broke it, saying. "Come on!"

I walked away from him without a word. Brynne reached out in the mind link and asked. "Are you ok? Do I need to talk some sense into him?" I replied back. "No, I'm fine." 

"Sure you are." I rolled my eyes. Out loud, I said. "Let's hit the road people!" 

One by one, we all stepped through the portal to the Andheri woods.

Aru Shah and the Land of Lost Hopes and DreamsWhere stories live. Discover now