We may have made a mistake.

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So um, Hey how have you been?

Again, so sorry I haven't been able to post So I'm going to post a LOT of content. Hope you enjoy and have a Merry Christmas!

Aru's POV:

"Well, um, Trancilla, that's what your name was right? Well, I'm sorry we were on your property', we were just passing through. So if it's ok with you we'll just be on our way." Brynne said, grabbing onto Gogo like she was about to use it.

But then Trancilla emerged from the cave, and she was as hideous as she sounded. She looked humanoid on the top but her bottom had eight long, thick legs of a spider. But her human part wasn't normal. Nikita would have passed out if she saw her tattered black robes. She had long curling horns jutting out of raven black hair. She had sharp, wide, dark eyes that seemed to bore into your soul and long bloodstained fangs. She would have been almost pretty, if her skin wasn't a deep midnight blue.

"I can't just let you go. You've broken rules! Therefore, you must be punished. One of you is going to have to take the brunt of the punishment." She closed her eyes, inhaling a great breath of air and when she opened her eyes again they were glowing silver, similar to the way Sheela's eyes glowed when she had a prophecy. "I will make you regret ever stepping foot in my forest."

I coughed. "This is your forest?" Mini, who was looking pale, was making a line across her throat. Aiden slapped his palm to his forehead, shaking his head. Oh,well, that was a mistake.

Trancilla pressed her face so close to me I could smell her horrible breath. She really needed some Tic-tacs. " Careful, child. I'm already angry enough as it is. Don't push it." She took one of her nails and cut a shallow, but painful cut. I clasped my hand gasping in pain.

Aiden rushed forward in front of me, drawing out one of his simitars. "Don't touch her." Trancilla leaned back and laughed. "You java chivalry, boy. But I wouldn't pick a fight with me. Just let me dole out what needs to be done. I can be a very bad enemy if you make me one."

"Whatever you've got just throw it at us, we can handle it." Brynne shouted, wielding her mace.

Trancilla's eyes glittered menacingly. "If a fight is what you want then a fight is what you will get."

Aru Shah and the Land of Lost Hopes and DreamsWhere stories live. Discover now