Just a blur.

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 I'm sorry if this is bad, but it's my first fight scene, so no expectations please.

Aru's POV:

Oh Shoot.

I really don't know what happened next. It all happened so fast. Trancilla let loose an ear splitting screech that brought us all to our knees. But Aiden and Brynne fought through it and teamed together. Brynne unleashed whirlwinds and tornadoes, while Aiden tried to slash through her legs, trying to slow her down. I stood up, head pounding and ears ringing, and stumbled over to Mini.

"Aru, I think I know something that might help!" She must have screamed it, but it only sounded like a faint whisper. I was about to ask what when Trancilla charged over and grabbed Mini.

"NO!" I screamed, holding onto Mini's hand. Mini was trembling and her face was pale. Trancilla hissed, grabbing Mini with both hands and pulling harder. My hand slipped from hers, I was screaming and crying. How could this happen?

"Aru!" Mini screamed, '"Don't give up hope, even in the dark! No matter what, keep pushing forwards!" And then she disappeared into the dark cave. I ran after her, but there was some type of barrier holding me back. I fell to the ground, shaking and crying.

Brynne fell to the ground beside me. "I'm so sorry. We'll get her back, I promise. I will do everything in my power so Mini will get back ok." Brynne glanced behind me, worry in her eyes. "But at the moment, we have other problems."

Aru Shah and the Land of Lost Hopes and DreamsМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя