Feeling warm on a cold day

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Russia POV

A cold wind blew in every direction he looked. Snowflakes were raining down from the sky and lightning was thundering through his ears. A stiff black figure loomed over him like a giant shadow ready to swallow him whole.

He had a weirdly narrow body with a stiffened expression with sharp claw-shaped hands. His hands were covered in black gloves that allowed his slim fingers to show threw.

And when Russia looked back at the man, two other figures stood behind him. These shadows were less clear and more blurry. He couldn't make out the features of them.

Oh no.

And slowly he felt himself becoming smaller, pressed in by all the dark figures and the huge depth of the forest behind them. Russia felt his body freeze as the figures walked closer to him.

One step, Another step. And another.

"Wake up Wake up Wake up Wake up!"

Russia jolted up on his bed, which caused America to take a step back. "Woah, Russia are you okay?" He asked cautiously.

The same dream as before. It's been about three months since the first incident, this was bad. Russia shook his head in an attempt to shake the feeling off.

Russia growled under his breath as he heard the voice of the American next to him, who had been shaking him vigorously. "What?" He asked, annoyed. 

"Merry Christmas!"

Oh right. Today was Christmas. Russia and his family didn't celebrate it on the 25th of December, so he had almost forgotten about the Holiday. Russia sat up from his bed as he opened his eyes. "Six thirty in the morning?" Russia growled, feeling even more pissed off. 

"If it's a Holiday, then let me sleep." He muttered to the American. But he started whining as Russia flopped back into bed. "Aren't you curious about your gifts?" He asked.

Russia once again opened his eyes to figure out that America was right. He had six presents lying on his bed. Russia gawked at the presents as he side glanced at them. Six? Huh, That was more than expected.

He glanced over to see China on top of his bed, examining the gifts one by one. China had about eight, and America had the most out of all. "Aren't you excited?" He asked, still sounding giddy. Russia didn't respond and picked up one of them. 

It was a carefully wrapped present, with a little pink bow on top and a note. Russia opened it and saw Belarus's messy handwriting. He felt warmth pricking inside him as he read the letter. It wasn't long since she was nine, but it was still sweet. 

It wrote, 

Дарагі Вялікі Брат.

Я спадзяюся, што вы шмат гуляеце і атрымліваеце шмат задавальнення ў Magic School! Часам я адчуваю сябе адзінокім, але са сваім плюшавым у мяне ўсё добра. У наступны раз, калі прыйдзеце ў госці, вазьміце з сабой ляльку! Гэта можа сябраваць з маім.-Бэла

America, without permission, climbed onto Russia's bed and sat beside him to look at the note too. "Hey!" Russia yelped as he almost fell off the bed. "I wanna see it too!" America grinned. "It's private," Russia muttered as he got back up.

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