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Canada POV

"Welcome!" UN announced. "Welcome to a new year at Hogwarts! Before we begin our banquet, I would like to say a few words. Some of the places in the school are strictly forbidden for any young wondering people. So if you don't want to die the most painful death ever imagined, I advise you not to go in any of those rooms for your safety. I take on how most of you know how Hogwarts works. Especially our new fourth years. I assume you know all the rules and will be straightly transferred up to the fourth-year level. The second year to the second and the third to the third. But any misbehavior or any suspiciously taken actions will erase that. I'm sure none of you want that." With that, UN sat down.

The ceremony had just been completed as we all sat at our tables and began wolfing down the delicious food. Ukraine had picked out a delicious-looking potato and a piece of toast.

"You like potatoes?" I asked her with a small smile on my face. "Yeah, Belarus forced me, Russia, and Kazakhstan to eat them all the time back before Hogwarts. Even though she was the youngest she made us do everything by her cuteness." Canada laughed in amusement.

"She reminds me of New Zealand and she was a horror." Ukraine gave him a smile which made butterflies fly in his stomach.

A tap was heard as a girl, who seemed a little older than then, approached. "Oh hi! I'm Poland. I was wondering if I could sit with you guys since I don't have any friends in Hufflepuff currently." She asked as she fidgeted with her robe. She had short ivory hair with a skeleton-shaped hairpin. Her big green eyes stared right at them.

"Oh sure! You're the one who was scared of the ghost right? No offense." Poland nodded as she squished between another Hufflepuff student and they let out a grunt. "Sorry!" Poland apologized as her wings took some space from the others.

"I saw you hanging out with that black haired girl with the glasses. Are you two friends?" Canada asked Poland, Hoping to learn more about her. "Oh yeah! Her name's Germany. She's really smart and fun to hang out with once you get to know her." Poland said dreamily as she poked her food with her fork. Ukraine let out a giggle as she popped a slice of carrot in her mouth. "Sounds like you two are close" Canada commented as he began chewing at his food. "Yeah," Poland responded as she looked at the table of food hungrily. Poland ate a lot of food which made Canada shocked.

He and Ukraine chatted a bit more with Poland, so much as discussing the houses and how they were arranged.

After the students of the hall had finished munching down their food, instructions were given about the common room.

African Union led Hufflepuff, EU led Slytherin, NATO led Gryffindor, and ASEAN led Ravenclaw.

The many many Hufflepuff students followed the African lady. She did some tapping that had a rhythm with the words, "Helga Hufflepuff."

The girls and boys all went separately to their places in the common room. Canada spotted a bed a flopped on it, to exhausted to move or do anything.

He saw Ukraine walk to the girl's side before he closed his eyes to deep endless slumber.


some Poland reference

some Poland reference

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Word count: 589



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