Old goodbyes and new hellos

186 3 11

Third person POV

"America, Canada. Are you ready?" Britain asked for the 100th time, with the same anxious tone of voice.

"Yes, father we are. There is no reason for you to get worked up about this." Canada assured with a sweet smile on his face. 

"Please take care of America for me," Britain said, glancing at his eldest son with a concerned and worried look plastered on his face. Canada nodded, holding in a laugh while America gave Britain an offended look as the American crossed his arms.

"Excuse me, I'm the oldest. I should be the one being asked to take care of him." He protested.  "It's natural for me to get worried about my problem child," Britain replied.

America opened his mouth as if ready to snap back something at him, but closed his mouth as Canada slightly nudged him and gave him 'a look'.

A pair of warm arms came from behind and enveloped both America and Canada in a hug.

The sweet aroma of coffee and sugary cinnamon rolls wafted their lungs, as they realized it was ther Mother, France.

"You both have to promise me you'll be alright, Okay?" Their mother, France asked as she let go of them. "Yes, Mom," America responded as a smile crept onto his face.

"I love you two. Please be safe." She whispered into their ears.

"Love you too mother" Canada beamed.

America and Canada both knew their father felt the same about them, except he wasn't the type of person who liked wearing his affection outside very much.

The two countries hopped on the train and went to find seats they could sit in. They both decided to sit in separately. Canada immediately went to find a girl who was already sitting with two other countries. The girl smiled and waved. She had a dozen of flowers on her head which were extremely colorful.

As America tried to make his way through to find a seat, he realized, too late, that almost all of the seats had been taken.

Only one was left.

Next to two other boys who looked the same age as America.

one with three soft horizontal stripes of white, blue, and red with calculating cold blue eyes. He had an odd hat with dusty silver hair and ivory lashes. The other with a red face with an eye with a golden star added with four smaller stars under the eyes and long red hair. 

Both looked fairly unfriendly.

"Perfect" America murmured sarcasm dripping from his voice, but he made his way to the two other boys.

"Hello? Can I sit here?"


My first actual chapter! Hope you enjoyed this.

Also, for those of you who didn't know, the pandemic is referring to Covid 19. Because of Covid countries haven't been able to attend Hogwarts for two years so that's why America is older than Canada and they are still attending at the time. And the pandemic has lasted for 3 years so America is 14 and Canada is 13

Since Hogwarts starts in September, Our main trio will soon be 15

Word count: 506



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