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America POV

The five students turned their heads to see the five teachers staring at them.

Professor NATO, Who looked quite angry, was strictly glaring at them with his cold blue eyes. Professor AU, Who looked more disappointed than angry, looked down at them pityingly. EU raised one eyebrow in a slightly amused manner, and ASEAN shook her head slightly, her shortly cut hair swaying. UN's expression was rather unreadable. His black pupils stared at him, his white irises glowing in the dark room.

"You five are in a lot of trouble."

NATO huffed at the five students. "Oh no, Is your eye okay?" AU asked America, a rather concerned glance flashing over her face. AU's eyes drifted from America to Russia's ripped cloak.

"Go visit Nurse WHO, She'll help you. The rest of you, come." NATO commanded as he folded his arms.

"What did we even do wrong?" Russia muttered under his breath next to America. China groaned and Poland looked quite shaken. Germany looked the same as ever. And maybe a little startled.

America's grip on the cloak shook. "I'm fine, My eye isn't that badly hurt-" "Now! It was an order." NATO commanded, looking rather pissed. America grumbled something then got up to head for the Hogwarts hospital wing. He felt Russia's gaze piercing into his back as he went. Poland yelped as EU lifted her by the arm. Germany immediately stood up next and China and Russia followed. Russia looked more pissed than NATO.

As he walked, he noticed that the halls were oddly empty, not a single student to be seen. He wondered if the entire school had evacuated just because of some random eagle. That would be funny. America hid his giggles as he quickly walked forward. Thoughts fished around in his mind as he walked.

'What did they even do wrong? Was meeting secretly without the authority's notice in a room nobody knew about before enough to summon all five main professors?'

On second thought, they probably were.

America headed to the Hogwarts hospital wing. The only sound was his footsteps clicking against the floor.

After a few minutes of walking, America opened the door to the hospital wing. The Hospital Wing at Hogwarts was not precisely a wing of the school, but a section of one floor of the school, similar to an infirmary in a Human residential or boarding school, where students (and sometimes teachers) who have been taken ill or suffered an accident can be treated.

White beds lined the right and left of the wing. America spotted Another student lying on the bed, muttering something to herself. There weren't that many people there. Only five people, including him and the girl, were there.

The Organization he guessed was WHO, World Health Organization was there. She had light blue skin and pastel shades of blue streaks in her ocean-blue hair. Her hair was lazily tied into a ponytail. A white snake was wrapped around her neck, like a necklace. She looked rather tired and nodded at America as she acknowledged him. Two smaller girls ran towards him. They reached up to his stomach, they were tiny. The two girls looked like twins as they were almost identical except for a slight color pallet difference.

"Hello Sir Washington"

They both greeted him in unison. Their voices matched with each other. "I am the Red Crescent and this is the Red Cross. We are the apprentices of Nurse WHO." One of the girls introduced. America guessed the one with the crescent was Red Crescent and the one with the cross was the Red Cross. 'Oh what a genius you are, it is so hard to figure out! Who would have thought that the symbols could possibly point out their identities?! Truly amazing.' His voice mocked him inside his head.

Castle of SecretsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora