Starry nights

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Russia POV



A loud cry was made as Indonesia crashed straight into the left side of the Hogwarts castle. Russia grimaced as he saw the Gryffindor student fail to land. "Indo! Stop fooling around already!" UNESCO called from under. "I know you can do it if you just concentrate."

Today was their first-ever flight class. Flying, also known as Broom Flight Class, It was a subject taught at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. It was taught by Madam UNESCO the Hogwarts Flying Instructor and Quidditch referee. The subject taught students how to fly on broomsticks. Of course.

The Slytherins shared their class with the Gryffindors. Unluckily, they were all loud and annoying.

The Hogwarts flight class was a delicate subject. UNESCO was the teacher teaching the students. She was quite younger than all the other teachers Like she was in her early 20's. She was a funny and lively teacher, keeping the joy alive. They quickly learned that UNESCO's mission in life is to contribute to building a culture of peace, the eradication of poverty, sustainable development, and intercultural dialogue through education, the sciences, culture, communication, and information.

She was the most likable teacher after NASA.

"Careful Indo! Don't go breaking the Hogwarts walls!" She chuckled. Russia groaned. This was going to take a long time. And the snow was seriously getting in the way. Too bad they had to do this outside. Although the air was refreshing and cool, the snow was awful for this situation. "Indo, Come back down." The lady commanded as Indo landed with a wobble.

"Now remember, summon a broom Before any pupil is allowed to take off on a broomstick, you have to first familiarise yourselves with the one-handed, the first step of which involves summoning the broom without touching it. To this end, the students would have to position themselves on the left side of it, reach out with their right hand, and say, 'with feeling' the word 'Up!'."

"Mounting a broom steps are easier when you manage the summoning, Once successfully summoning the brooms, the flying instructor, I would demonstrate how to mount one's brooms without sliding off the end, and would correct students on how their grips on the broom should be"

"Liftoff and landing, Once ready to endeavor on the basics of flying, a fundamental step for broom riding, was to show the capability of controlling the broom to the extent of getting up in the air and returning safely. Students would be instructed to kick off from the ground hard and rise a few feet in the air while keeping their brooms steady, and then proceed to come straight back down on the ground by leaning forward slightly."

Some students groaned at the long and complicated instruction. America was kicking the snow while China was tapping his chin with his finger, as if in deep thought.

"Now who else wants to give it a try?"



UNESCO seemed slightly disappointed.

"I would want to give it a try."

Russia turned his head in surprise to see America, standing up straight. UNESCO's face brightened. "Sure! Thank you for volunteering."

America placed his broom on his left side. He lifted his hand to the broom.


To everybody's shock, the broom neatly landed on his head. Seeing America do it, a blaze of determination to do it better than him rose in Russia's heart.

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