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It's spring now. And track has started. We started practicing in February so that we were ready in March. Tom has been running with me and helping me lift weights in the weight room. He has been a big help, but he says he's also there to make sure no guy hits on me.

I could say that this month, Tom has lost his temper several times, and each time, all I can do is to try and stop myself from attacking his face with my lips.

Tom is the hottest guy, but when he's mad, and steam is almost coming out of his head, there is just something about him I can't resist.

The first incident was at school.

Like I said, Tom said that if I wanted to lift weights to gain upper body strength, to help me with track, he would spot me, and help me. He said we could use the weight room. I told him I did want to start lifting weights, but I wasn't sure about going there. Because wouldn't there be a bunch of guys there.

Tom said yeah but the only other place is the Y and same problem. He said he would help me with the weights we have in his mom's basement, but the school had the newest machines and could get a better full body workout. But he told me it was up to me.

Well the first day we got there, there were a lot of guys working out.  And they all said hi to Tom, and said hi to me.

But according to Tom, one of the guys was definitely checking me out. I was lifting doing chest presses, and then Tom had me get on one of the leg presses. And Tom scared me, I was concentrating, and all of a sudden, I hear Tom yell "hey what the f--- are you looking at."

I stopped and looked at Tom. And let's just say he was pissed, and he looked even hotter to me.

I said, "Tom."

He said, "just a minute baby, take a break."

Tom said, "hey I was talking to you."  The other guys were trying to get Tom to calm down.

The guy said, "I wasn't looking at anything."

Tom said, "So you are trying to say I'm f------ blind. Because I saw you looking at my wife, you were looking at her when she was on the bench, and you were looking at her legs just now."

He said, "I didn't know she was your wife."

Tom said, "So, you see that I'm with her. You heard me call her baby, when I said good job baby. Are you saying your deaf?"

Tom was over in that guy's face.

I said, "Tom please."

He said, "Hey I'm sorry. I repeat I didn't know she was your wife. Yes I saw her with you, and yes I figured she was your girl, but I thought just girlfriend. My bad. You know how it is in college dude, well I guess you don't since you're married. But most guys have brief casual relationships then on to the next, so I didn't think it was that serious."

The other guys were telling Tom to just let it go, he apologized.

I said, "Hanson please."

Tom came over to me. Although he didn't want to back down.

I said, "Can I have a hug?"

Tom was frowning, and glaring at that guy. But he said, "sure."

He hugged me, and I kissed his cheek. The whole time Tom was glaring at that guy.

I was tempted to kiss him passionately, but then I remembered where we were, and I didn't want to kiss him like that in front of the guys. I thought it would make it worse.

I said,"Tommy can we please just call it a day I think I'm done for the day."

Tom said, "Sure. Let's get out of here baby."

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