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A couple weeks have passed.

It's time for Mia and Molly to go back to school.

Tom and I start at the end of this week.

Margaret took us girls to the mall to get back to school clothes this past weekend.  I insisted that I get my own, but she said that she was paying and that was final.

School starts Monday for the girls, so Sunday night Margaret took us all out to eat, and then we went home, and she told the girls they need to go to bed early.

Mia was so nervous about school. To the point that she almost felt sick. 

I felt bad for her. I know that is how I have always felt, dreading school starting. Sick to my stomach.

I tried to make her feel better, I told her that I'm sure she won't have any trouble, but if she does just call me.

I gave her a hug before she went to bed.  I went to Tom and whispered in his ear, go talk to your sister.

I said, "Mia I love you sweetie."  She hugged me.

She said, "I love you too Madison. Thanks for everything you do for me."

Molly said, "Tommy will you tuck me in."  

He said, "yes give me a minute, I'll be up to tuck you in."

Molly said, "Madison I love you. Thank you for all you do for me."

I said, "I love you sweetie."  I gave her a hug.

Tom followed Mia upstairs.  

Tom said, "hey Mia I know you're nervous about high school, but you're going to be fine. I'm sure you will love it, but if you have any problems at all, just tell me or if you don't want to talk to me about it, you know you can always talk to Madison. She is here for you. But so am I."

She hugged him.

She said, "Thanks Tommy. Thank you for staying home. I don't know how we would have managed if you and Maddie left. But I feel bad that Madison had to stay home."

Tom said, "Mia don't feel bad. This was her choice. I know she's sad about Emma leaving, but I can promise you, that it would be hundred times worse she would be crying harder, and more sad if it was us who left.  You two girls and mom are family that she never had. And Baylie, it would have broke Madison's heart to leave her, and would have broke Baylie's heart. We made the choice that we wanted to."

Mia said, "Were you scared when you started high school"

Tom said, "I was nervous. Really nervous, and especially when I changed schools. I mean I already knew Mike and Brad, so that helped, but I was nervous about fitting in. But I made some mistakes, and I don't want to see you make the same mistakes."

She said, "What mistakes?"

Tom sat on her bed.

He said, "I wanted to fit in with the guys, I wanted to be popular with them, and I felt pressure because I was not only the new kid, but also my dad was a cop. You know how guys think you will rat them out if your dad is a cop.  I thought the best way to fit in, make the guys all impressed with me, was to get the hottest girl, the one that all the guys wanted."

Mia said, "Tara."

Tom said, "right, and that was a mistake. She was hot, and beautiful, but on the inside her personality was not that great, and I was focused on the wrong things. I was with her for the wrong reasons. I did care about her. But when I met Madison and I found out what love was, and in love for the first time, I realized my mistake."

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