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Tom's viewpoint:

It was Monday. I feel like I'm letting everyone down. My stupid shoulder. I should be out there practicing with the guys. But I can't. But this is for the best, I guess if I let it heal, then that will be better for me, and for the team. I am going to do all the rehab I can. Make sure that my shoulder gets healthy. I watch practice for a little bit, but then I decided I would go into the training room. While the guys were on the field practicing. We have a state-of-the-art training room, and top-notch trainers. We are in good hands with them. The head of the training staff came in. She was in her late 30's. Blonde. Looked young for her age. When we had our first meeting as a team before the season started, we were told all freshmen had to stay after the meeting to meet the training staff. And this blonde girl comes in, and most of the guys were trying to shoot their shot with her. Everyone was shocked when the coach has her come up and then announces she is the head trainer. We all thought she was a college student.

She said, "hi Tom how are you feeling today?"

I said, "I feel okay.   I just feel like I'm letting the guys down."

She said, "Tom, you can't help it if you are injured. You are not letting them down. It's out of your control. All you can do is rehab right now, and let your shoulder rest, and heal."

She walked over closer to me, facing me. and asked if I wanted a massage.

I stared at her. I'm getting the feeling she is meaning something else. By the look in her eyes, and the way she said it, soft, but just the tone of her voice. Not sure if this is what he meant, but the warning he gave me to watch my back with the trainer's. Also, he said he always has his phone recording as proof. I had my phone in my hand, so I hit the record button. She is getting way too close to me.

I said "no thanks. My wife gives me massages when I get home. She takes good care of me. I am a very lucky man."

She said, "I think she is the lucky one. There is one thing I've been wondering about; how did she manage to get that ring."

I said, "I'm the lucky one. Madison is the most beautiful girl in the world, and she loves me. When she could have chosen any guy, guys better than me, but she chose me. She is the only girl I've ever been in love with, so I wanted to put a ring on her finger and make her mine."

She walked away from me. But I was shocked, when she went on and started to give me a massage anyway. Saying doesn't this feel good, I can do your front too.

I moved back, so that she wasn't touching me. I turned to face her. I said, "I said no to the massage." But her next move left me even more shocked.

She unbuttoned her shirt exposing her chest. She wasn't wearing a bra. Her boobs right there for me to see. Then she touched them. And then said, "would you like to touch."

I jumped off the table and moved back.

I said, "What the hell is wrong with you."

She said "I didn't figure you to be shy. Or scared? Why so scared, I don't bite, unless you want me to"?

I said, "I'm not scared. I'm married. Happily married to the love of my life. And you are disgusting and sick. You have no right to talk to me like that or touch my shoulder when I told you not to. Dumb bitch. You are acting so unprofessional."

She said," relax your wife will never know. I for sure won't tell her, and we are alone for at least another hour. And between you and me, your wife looks awfully young. I have much more experience and can." She had touched my chest. I removed her hands.

I cut her off. I don't want to hear any more of what she was going to say.

I said, "you are so out of line. You are disgusting. Let me repeat I am a happily married man. I love my wife. She is my life. My world. The most beautiful girl I've ever seen. I would never hurt her. I will never cheat on her. I only want her. No other girl. Madison is so special. She is the love of my life. What the hell is wrong with you"

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